I don’t know what the best word would be to sum up the day… Maybe Wow, or sigh or even just a flip…. What a manic day it was…
It started at 6.30 for us where we got the girls up and dressed, then frantically cleaned the house up so that we could look presentable to all of our fam who were arriving at 7.30.. AM… not PM… Yes, our family tradition is to have our immediate family over for present opening so they can see the girls’ reaction to their gifts. It is a lovely time, but it does mean that things get started mighty early and the inevitable over-stimulation starts far too early. Here are some moments from this first round of present opening…As you can see below. Cindy and I thought a massive tree would be just awesome, so we bought one. This is the 3rd time it’s been used. I love it, but Cindy by the end of Christmas day wants to set it on fire. Not mentioning the fact that she begs me to put it up beginning of November every year. I didn’t mention it! In my defense it is just so flipping big and in the way. And add to it that this year the girls are able to decorate and redecorate and redocroate and redocorate the thing all day, it gets a bit out of control.
Then it was off to church, which we were late for, some of the reasons for this includes Seth punching a whole in the bathroom door – but that is a whole other story and not very Christmassy. Anyhoo, church was fantabs, lovely to have a family service where the girls could join us. Now now, we don’t want to make people think I’m crazy… I well… Just got a little upset that I smeared of a half a tub of wax in my hair. So much so that the one side was plastered down to my scalp, as if I had slept on it for 100 years. So in my frustration and feeling a little stressed by the fact that we were late , I punched the door. I did not intend to damage it, but my fist went straight in. My Superman abilities must be out of kilter.
Then it was on to Ga’s house to celebrate with the whole family. As usual it is customary to have an entire farm as the meal for Christmas and listen to lovely Christmas music – the Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer one is my ultimate fav! I really enjoy having these times where the girls can get to know all of their family and spend good quality time with them. Mia, besides Romy, you were the first person I thought of when I took the picture of dad at the bottom. ‘Even betta’ when enlarged.
Now that round 2 of people (or round 3 if you include church) was over, it was off to open presents at Aunty Jean’s house and to meet Cyan! And to open the rest of the extended families presents. What a gorgeous cutie pie!!! This time was very special, not only did we meet Cyan, we also witnessed Riya trying to get into the pool. This is a good and bad thing I suppose… Good because now she seems to actually want to go in and not just cry and the word “swim”, but obviously bad because now she will try and get in at any random time without us being with her – hopefully that will never happen.
I struggled to sleep after all that excitement (plus our neighbours were “entertaining” next door – in light of the post that Seth did a while ago, just saying that is enough said) and the girls struggled too. They fell asleep on our hour trip home, but they were both twitching and woke up at 10ish and lost their minds. It was worth it though… I think… Especially for this view on the way home!
We finally took the blasted tree down – I guess it’s my own fault for putting it up in November already, I’m so sick of looking at the massive thing! How many days left till next November so I can forget how annoying it was and put it up early again anyway?