Since I have found out that we are actually pregnant (all of 4 days ago) I have already been through a full roller coaster of emotions. Because this was something that we wanted, we were very excited to find out that we were expecting.
But now it’s setting in… We are going to be parents to 3 kids! 3! That makes us out numbered, and crazily outnumbered if you take the dogs into account. When we told our respective parents, we could sense their concern about the situation. Seth thinks that they can see how we struggle more than we can see how we struggle… I think that may be true. My outlook when I think about this all is that “I got this… Wouldn’t it be great if it was twin boys?! Perfect balance. Easy peasy lemon squeezy“… But do I really “got this”? How much of it do I personally do anyway? When I reflect on it I feel like a bit of a failure. Yes, yes, I work to provide in conjunction with Seth, and yes, yes, I’m a half day mom. But how much do I really do? Damn you pregnancy hormones for all these thoughts.
A big concern is that Seth’s mom looks after the girls in the mornings. What do we do now? Get a nanny to help there full time? If so I have a set of things that I would want from that person – mainly that they are Christians and have the same set of values that we have. I know that I get that from Seth’s parents and I am oh so grateful for it, but you just don’t know what baggage comes with another person. There is also the option of putting Kyla in school. Which is great, except all the schools that I looked at in our ideal area only start with kids that are 4 turning 5. Our big girl is not quite that big yet. There is another option that would be out of the way – especially for Seth’s parents who would have to fetch them before I can get there. Unless we leave her at after care which I am just not happy to do.
I would love to know how you managed to be a mom of more than 2. Not knocking the home-schoolers or the Stay At Home Mom’s, but I would love to hear from any moms who work either full or part time too. How did you find the balance? The energy? The patience?