As another Mother’s Day approaches I find myself thinking of the usual things: wondering what on Earth to get my Mom and Mother In Law, then it moves on to how much they mean to me, the great examples they are to me in how to be a Godly woman, wife and mother and how much I value their input in our lives.
Then the other day, Seth asked me what I wanted for Mother’s Day and it dawned on me… I am one of those people now. I am that Mother that one day my girls will look up to and aspire to be like (one can hope hey). It also made me realise how we often don’t think of young Mom’s in this category. We tend to think of our own Mother’s on Mother’s Day and celebrate all they have been to us over our many years of life (I know the older readers will be like, pfft many years of life, ha, she is still so young, but you know what I mean). They’ve been at it for a good number of years and we are just getting started, so why celebrate? We as young mom’s don’t always realise the input that we have in our own children’s lives and how valuable we are to them. I guess this is mostly because they can’t really express it to us, but also because I find that people don’t give those early child rearing years the acknowledgement that they deserve.
Luckily I am blessed with a man who takes the time to make me feel special for the things that I do for my girls and celebrates my short years of Motherhood with me. It’s been a huge time of adjustment to change from being a totally selfish loser to a selfless giver. I’m not there yet and I am thankful that they seem to love me despite all of that.
So what am I getting at?! Well, because young Mom’s sometime’s get overlooked on this special day, I want to challenge all of the young Dad’s co-responsible for making the young Mom’s to really spoil her this year for doing the hardest job of all that gets the least recognition.
[…] On that note, a very happy Mother’s Day to all you Mom’s out there. And if by change there are some Dad’s that read this then go and spoil your Baby Mommy now! […]
Hey Cindy,
I’m going to have to disagree with you on that one.
I think the women who had a miscarriage or those who lost a child get overlooked. I think we should be careful not to add more pressure on the dads to spoil the mums. I think the original intention to have a mother’s day has been lost and I am wondering if we shouldn’t do away with it.
Here is in more details what I think 🙂
You are absolutely right – I read your post this morning and another one this passed weekend that made me reflect a bit and change what I think. I need to do a bit of a revised post to make up for this one.