No, I’m not even referring to what Thumper could look like when he is born. I’m talking about our good friends – The Kooymans. Their daughter Leah and our girls spent Kyla’s birthday weekend together and ever since then the girls have kept asking to go and visit her.
Weirdly enough, even though us as parents look nothing alike – our kids could be triplets. There are so many baby pictures that I see of precious Leah and think, “Oh that’s a nice one of Kyla that I haven’t seen before” or “Where did Riya get that top from?” only realise that the reason I haven’t seen it is because it’s not actually my child.
Here are some pictures of all of the girls over the weekend – just a couple of shots that I adored.
Gorgeous little girls!
OMW! They really do look like each other – thats amazing!