A couple of days ago we trekked all the way out to the Northern Suburbs to capture our tiny little Knox in a newborn photoshoot with Veronique Mills. I had never done a newborn shoot with the girls because I thought we took enough photo’s of them ourselves, but now that we have done it I have realised there is nothing like having proper photo’s done by someone that actually knows what they are doing, and more importantly loves what they do. It totally shows in Veronique’s photo’s that she loves what she does and so the photo’s are so much more awesome. (I know some of you who saw the pics on FB asked for her details, check out her Facebook Page in the link above if you want to contact her.)
Unfortunately Seth is already back at work and so he missed out on the shoot, which is a real pity. I’m hoping that we can do some kind of family photo shoot soon to make up for it.
I had been a bit worried about this shoot because I was scared that although he has been perfectly happy at home, he would now wake up and scream until he couldn’t scream anymore. But Veronique was so welcoming and lovely that I immediately felt comfortable, which I think made a huge difference to how he reacted. The room was wonderfully warm and he just loved being free of all his layers of clothes and nappy, stretching his surprisingly long limbs out all over the place. Plus, Veronique was so gentle with Knox that it really was a wonderful success.
Also, one of my concerns was that he was going to wee everywhere. And funnily enough that was the first thing that Veronique reassured me about, it’s normal and everything is able to be washed, so it’s not a problem… Which is great, because I think he must have heard her as he really put it to the test.
In case you haven’t already seen it on Facebook (if you want to in future, maybe like the Facebook Page to see these kinds of things first by clicking the “like” button on the right hand side of this page). I have only gotten some of the teaser photo’s from Veronique’s FB page and they are awesome, I can’t wait to see the rest.
How gorgeous is our boy!
I think it was round about this shot when he “farted”… Only for us to discover when we moved him that he had left a lovely skid mark to go with it…
Sweet little angel 🙂
Absolutely beautiful! Its also nice to see you in front of the camera, sharing the moment with your bubbs and not behind it!
Congratulations! The photos are very touching. Knox is a beautiful baby 🙂