I always thought that if I had girls they would be like me – not into frilly, pink, floral or bling. It never even occurred to me that they could be girly girls. Boy was I wrong about that. Kyla is obsessed with pink. Obsessed could even be an understatement. Previously she was the only one that was allowed to like, sorry I mean love, pink. Riya was always given second best in being forced to like purple. We’ve had to chat to her about it and now she has even defined it – she loves light pink and Riya can love dark pink.
A couple of weeks ago we popped into Naartjie (Spring Collection) to buy a present for a baby shower and Kyla immediately ran to this pink dress. Shortly followed by her ripping out the purple one for Riya too – you know, to be fair. Unfortunately her deep affection for all things pink and girly has infected me, when I find something that Kyla likes and I actually like it too, I am hard pressed to say no to her.
So here they pose in front of their pink wall… This is what I get when I ask them to pose…