What a crazy, manic week last week was. For some reason I thought it was possible to regain some sense of normality this weekend, but I don’t know what I was thinking, it’s not like the previous 4 years worth of weekends ever turned out like that. The weekends are even crazier for us than week days because we just want to do so much with the limited time and “freedom”. One of the things that I got to do this weekend was catch up with some of my most precious girl friends and it was like I got a whole week of relaxing done in just that time spent together!
Anyway, I digress. This post is actually to make up for the last post, to show that I although our diary is filling up faster than the kids get through a packet of Niknaks, I do sometimes get it right. This time when we go to the park there were actually people there to meet us.
As usual the moms only got to catch up in bits a pieces while we pushed kids on swings, stopped them hurting themselves and just generally ran around after them. But it was great to meet together again and the girls absolutely loved it! I love being the stalker in the background – seeing how my girls really deal with their peers and listening to the sweet little conversations that they have. Just thinking about it makes my heart swell with love for them all. I can’t believe that we are at that phase where they are really making little friendships and wanting to see each other – it’s so special.
Kyla actually posed for this photo!
Kyla and Sadie-Mia having an in depth chat about life… Or maybe just about who should push the swing.
I tried to do our usual group shot, but it was kind of impossible to get them all together in the same pic. But I think these ones turned out OK anyway.
1 comment
So special!! Love these girls so much. Sad that Leah couldn’t be there with them… life of a working mom with a very unflexible job, hopefully we can join you ladies in the holz though xxx