Is there a way to keep babies tiny and little and baby-like forever? If you know of something let me know. The best I’ve come up with is a brick on their head. I’ve run the idea past Kyla before and she hasn’t been to keen… Riya just runs away from me. I don’t get it.
Really though, I don’t want my little Knoxy to grow up and not be my last little baby anymore. But despite all my hopes against it and he is getting bigger and stronger by the minute. All of a sudden he is watching everything around him – watching me and his sisters, laughing at their crazy clowning around and shrieking at their little fights. I’m still trying to figure out if he’s trying to make them top or if he’s cheering for one of them. Everything is being grabbed, squeezed and pulled – his favourite being his sisters hair. They even enjoy it, for the first couple of seconds anyway.
In the hopes that he will start “sleeping through”… Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa…. OK before I continue this thought, I know I should probably clarify this. I’m 3 kids in and I honestly think that this “sleep through” business that Moms talk about is actually a lie they tell themselves to get through the day or at the very least to make us non-sleeping moms jealous. (It’s working by the way.)
Anyway, what I’m trying to get at is that I gave him some cereal. I didn’t really see if it worked (in terms of sleep) because the very next day he started with his throat infection and would not eat a dribble without screaming. But this first day was a real hit! He nommed that cereal right up – like 6 whole teaspoons anyway. Way more than the girls did on their first attempt. Maybe it was because he had his very own cheerleaders spurring him on to greatness – who knows.
1 comment
LOL love the first eating faces.
Yeah we also don’t sleep through – Kiara only did when she was 5!!!!!!