I know I kind of promised that this wasn’t going to be all that frequent, but I actually managed to take quite a few pictures of the kids in one go and let’s not let good photo’s go to waste!
Kyla is very camera shy, but loves to see herself on camera. Catch 22 I tell you. Once she had stopped playing with random toys, shouting at her sister for playing with the then discarded random toys or just managed to keep the toys away from her face, I managed to get some really nice pictures of her.
This time the boots are also Funmates from Woolies (they also come in purple but thankfully I managed to talk them into getting the brown… OK who am I kind, those negotiations are impossible – there was no purple in their size – thank goodness). The jeans are from Cotton On in size 2 even though she is going on 4, top is from Mr Price (I love it). Then another version of the hoodie from Pick ‘n Pay.
shes getting such a big girl now
Love the look