I’m kind of over talking about sick children. Because really, besides you having heard as much about the amount of snot my family can produce, I am just over thinking about it. They will eventually get better, we will eventually sleep and everything will eventually return to our “normal”.
I was going through my pictures and I came across one striking difference between my girls. Although people may think they are twins, they are actually the total opposites of each other. For instance, Kyla will not pose for a picture unless I make it sound amazing and involve an incentive. Riya on the other hand will ask me to take pictures of her and then pose in a million silly ways.
Another thing is how they dress.
As you know by the “Love, Wish, Wardrobe” posts, I have a little thing for dressing up my kids. Call it what you will: obsession, hobby, stupid, whatever. They don’t seem to mind. And I enjoy it. I like to see them looking cute in their little outfits. Because really what else are children for anyway?! (Just joking. Sort of.)
So the other day I managed to get Kyla dressed in this AND get her to sit and let me take a picture of her.
But while I was doing so, my middlest was busy digging in the drawers and proceeded to find her own outfit. And no amount of bribery, coercion or threatening got her out of this. So we left the house with, well… This. Not the worst outfit ever, but my eyes were sore looking at all the colours and patterns.
That being said, she rocked it. Look at that sweet smile!
at least she got dressed! Elijah’s latest is refusing clothes and taking everything off
I dont think she did that bad of a job – looks pretty cute!
OH I think she looks fabulous – my A would totally love her style.