I’ve been finding it difficult to take pictures recently. Not that it’s my job or anything, but I normally really love to do it. I don’t know why I’ve been struggling with it, maybe it’s a lack of “interesting things” to do or it’s just the constantly running around all over the place that stops me, but Kyla is definitely not deterred by those insignificant details.
Once she gets hold of a camera, I often flick through the pictures and sit in awe of the things that she captures and how she captures them. It is so interesting to see life from her perspective. I think her next birthday present will be a camera of her own, to ensure that my poor camera doesn’t have to endure anymore bumps and bruises.
On this particular day we had some very, very special friends visit us in the new house for a typical South African braai. How amazing is it that you can be so far apart from people (in this case Uncle Don and Aunty Gill live in the UK) but when you meet up again years later, it’s almost as if you were never apart. So special.
I took out my camera with every intention of capturing our day together, but I just never really got a chance to pick it up until Kyla came and asked if she could take some pictures.
These are a few that I managed to take after being inspired by her.