Before I get into the review, I need to set the scene for you quickly.
We had a little get together for Seth’s birthday this past weekend.
I say a little get together because we tried to limit the numbers as much as possible, I think in the end we had about 20 adults and almost as many children (although it felt like more). Funny how when you’re a parent, your adult birthday parties nearly have more kids than the actual kids parties themselves.
We had it at our house because we have more space now and so that the kids could swim. When we decided to have it at home I knew that although we were saving money in not hiring a venue, we were pretty much opening our house to have it enjoyed by a lot of people, particularly little people and the inevitable mess that they leave behind. Should I even mention the 2 dogs?
Anyway, while I am totally at ease with mess and understand that it is sacrifice one makes when entertaining, since moving into our new place I have struggled to just leave the mess there and worry about it later (if at all). Don’t even get me started on Seth and how he can’t even look at the kids while they eat because they make so much mess (that is localised to the dining room table) and even then he can’t handle it.
There was chocolate cake crumbs spread from the back door to the front (I even found some in the kids rooms), there was chocolate icing on the couch… I could go on, but I’m sure you get the picture. So that was the predicament we faced when everyone left.
Enter Dettol.
Honestly, while I knew that they had various kinds of hand washes and antiseptic products available, I never really knew that Dettol even had these cleaning products. It makes sense though, right?
At the moment I am totally spoiled in the way that I don’t have to deep clean our house, we have Sandy who helps me (I seriously don’t know what I would do without her). So although I didn’t personally do the cleaning – I can tell you (after chatting to Sandy about it) that the products worked really well AND the house smells so clean and refreshed when I come home.
My favourite though, are the soaps and hygiene products.
We’ve had the automatic hand wash dispenser in our house for about 3 years (I told you, Seth is hectic about this kind of thing). Since having kids, that are often full of paint or just grubby from playing outside, the ease of being able to stick you hand under it and have it dispense the perfect amount of soap has been very useful. It actually encourages my kids to wash their hands – they find any excuse to make a trip to the bathroom. Plus not having a manky old bar of soap sitting next to the basin is a definite win for me.
I got Seth to try the Cool Body Wash and besides looking clean and handsome, he smells divine too. I’ve been using the Skincare product and love the smell of it.
Basically, what it comes down to is that I honestly think that the Dettol products are value for money (especially if you catch them on sale at your local PnP) and a really good brand.
Now, you want to test it too right? Well one lucky reader will be able to get a little hamper of a range of the different Dettol products (that I have personally put together for you).
To Enter: * Please like the 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House and Dettol ZA Facebook Pages. * Delivery will only take place within the RSA * Competition closes on Wednesday the 12th.
Done! 🙂
Liked both!
I love Dettol, have liked your page for a while now and have liked Dettol’s page! Would love to win!
I have been using no touch soap dispenser for some time in the kitchen. Smells so good and leaves your hands clean and smelling lovely! One sqeeze gives you enough to wash so no soap wasters in my house;) And in Ellas school they request on monthly bases the toiletries Tissues, toilet roll, etc and DETTOL! Not others, but dettol! So happy my child hands gets washed in trusted soap;)
i already like both pages…
the facebook page is not available for 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House, can we enter via email?
HI Andrea! Try this link ( or try and click the like button on the right handside of the blog – there should be a Facebook section there.
The link for your page is not working correctly.
Thanks for letting me know! Try this or the Facebook link on the right hand side of the blog
Done 🙂 Love this giveaway
I love Dettol products, as do my little ones. Clean and sparkly 🙂
done and dusted. also really love dettol products!
what a fab giveaway 🙂
Done! I love love love Dettol products.
Done! What a great giveaway. Here’s to a clean and hygienic 2014:):)
Done ! Great giveaway
Great competition! 🙂 Have liked, shared, pinned and tweeted! Now holding thumbs! <3 🙂
Done! Dettol is awesome.
Yes please, check and check
Awesome!!! Dettol = trusted
been a fan of both pages for ages already, I love your outlook towards your babies as its so much like mine, but you have a way with words that I dont. Dettol is the best thing since sliced bread. I count 3 bottles right now, one in the nappy bag, one in the bathroom and one in the medi box. thanks for the giveaway
[…] in case you missed it – don’t forget to enter the Dettol Giveaway that we posted […]
Done x
Nothing says squeaky clean like dettol 😉 I have liked the 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House and Dettol ZA Facebook Pages! Tweet too (@flutterbymegs)….Fingers crossed 😉
rehana seedat email: Have liked all the facebook pages as instructed. Shared post facebook and tweeted. great giveaway. holding thumbs!
Already liked on FB
its Wednesday its Wednesday…. I should probably stop jumping up and down now before i beak the chair but im so excited
[…] you believe that a whole week has passed and we are already here about to announce a winner of the Dettol Giveaway? I can’t – which is why this post is later than […]