I need to work on balancing our weekends. Seriously, it’s a problem.
On Saturday morning we left at 9.30 and only got home at 11pm (if you excluded the very short and chaotic drop off of the kids at 7pm). Also upon getting home we found my Mom stuck on the couch under Knox who had woken up just after we left and who was finally asleep, with Riya curled up next to her to top it off! (Thanks again Mom – you’re a social life saver 😉
Needless to say that after we were only woken up on Sunday at 8.30 and Knox had to be woken up at 10, we took it as a sign and spent Sunday recovering from Saturday. During the time we were away on Saturday we visited so many fun places that I will tell you about sometime this week, but for now I am still in recovery mode so I am going to show you something that absolutely made my day instead.
If you follow us on Instagram/Twitter you might have seen that we went to the Root 44 Market during our escapades on Saturady. It was amazing and deserves it’s very own post, but while I was going through the photo’s I saw these and got that weird heart swell, rush of love, giggliness that only comes from seeing your littles be so freaking cute that it almost hurts.
Knox is an absolute character with a will of his own, but one thing that he loves is performing for others and getting a reaction. He got hold of my sunglasses and the rest is sort of history.