Oh hey Monday. How did you get here so quickly.
No wait, that looks too excited.
That’s better.
Doing: Too much. I have this thing of over-committing myself and then regretting it later. Currently have a double birthday (mom in law and sister in law) to celebrate tomorrow, a cake to make for said birthday, biscuits to make for the market at school, grandparents day to plan for on Friday, another “come Dine with me” evening, then baby shower on Saturday morning, followed up by a 50’s themed 60th party that evening – where we are manning the photo booth.
What do I still need to organise? Everything. I’m organised like that.
Trying: I get that many of you lovely people that pop over here to catch up with us, don’t actually blog yourselves, so this may not be of interest to you, but I’m going to share it anyway. It might not be obvious, but I really enjoy blogging. Sharing, commiserating, connecting – it makes me happy. But I am just so over the behind the scenes fights that happen within the blogging community. No matter how much I hope that we can all get along, it just doesn’t seem possible. I find myself getting caught up in it (mostly from the sidelines – I don’t do confrontation yo), even though I don’t want to, and then sit back, wondering if I should even bother continuing to blog. At least, that’s where I was at this morning. Then out of the blue, a little email popped into my inbox.
I can’t tell you how much this (and all your comments that you leave on this space) encourage me to keep going. Seriously. I may have actually shed a tear or two after reading this. Debs, you made my day!
Laughing At: Knox. Oh man this kid. He does not stop talking and it’s just the sweetest little things that come out of his mouth (well, most of the time). If you don’t follow me on Instagram you probably missed this. We were waiting for Ri to finish ballet and so we were sitting with the aftercare kids. Knox had brought his Ironman and Hulk (two of his prized possessions) and decided to play with one of the little girls. He gave her the Hulk, but before letting her just play with it, he gave her the low down on exactly who Hulk is:
“Dis is Hulk, he is very angry see? He green. He says aaaaah! Like dat. And he throws dis at da bad guys. Like dat, see? Hult! Hulk, is so, so strong. He can punch. Like dis, punch, punch. Oh tay? And jump. And run. Raaaaaah! Hehe”

Not pictured – the Hulk that he gave to his friend. This is him explaining Ironman to another friend a few minutes later.
Plotting: My epic gym session this evening. I know right, who am I even?! A couple of weeks ago I attended a crazy hectic kick boxing class by accident (somehow I landed up at gym a whole hour earlier than I was supposed to be for my yoga class). So I did the class and I was sore for days. Days! Which makes me want to do it again and again. But after the session, I’m going to cool off with the usual yoga class that I attend. It’s going to be 2 and a half hours of pushing my body, but seeing as I only really get to the gym twice a week, I think that’s OK.
Oh did I mention that our date nights have now changed to gym dates? Yeah, I can’t say I’m too pleased about it either. But it is actually fun having Seth be my instructor for the evening and laughing at how little strength I have (not to mention the non existent abs). Plus we follow it up with a sneaky coffee and treat, so it’s OK(ish).
Watching: We’re skipping series for now and settling in with a movie instead. Watched Fury over the weekend, which I didn’t think I’d enjoy, but I actually really did. Yeah Brad got old, but like, I pined over him for so long in my teenage years that I just can’t abandon him now, you know what I mean? Then we watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles last night. Firstly, they shouldn’t have wasted money making this movie. Secondly Megan, you were beautiful as you were and now you look weird. It’s such a pity. Thirdly, I’d love to know how many times “this city” (or variation – “my city”/”our city”) are used in superhero movies. I tried to Google it, but got bored. They said it at least 40 times in TMNT though, so there’s that.
Loving: My new eyebrow pencil. I know that it really is not a big deal, but it’s made such a difference to my overall look that I can’t not wear it now. I went to Clicks and chose the cheapest one that sort of matched my eyebrow colour, it’s from Essence and it was R20. Score.
The picture is a bit blurry, but on the left there you can see my balding eyebrow and on the right it’s basically perfect. Winning.
Stressing About: Getting everything done that I’ve committed to doing. Eeek. I’m sure it’ll be fine.
Currently http://t.co/Jq5bzgL4zj
Glad you enjoyed the class!
Good luck with all the events coming up. I really don’t envy you – I’m exhausted just reading about it all. I’m also not enjoying all this blogging nonsense online, and I am really glad you aren’t ready to give it up just yet! x