There is so much I have planned in my head for this week, but putting it into writing, downloading and editing the pics is just not happening. So I’m taking a break from regular posts to answer a few questions. Which is great because you don’t know more than you ever wanted to know about me already. haha
Thank to Sharon from The Blessed Barrenness for tagging me in this – I love this kind of thing 🙂
1. Are you named after someone?
I honestly have no idea – I have never thought of asking, or maybe I did but I just can’t remember the answer (does porridge brain ever leave?!). My brother Shane though, he got his name because when they pulled him out everyone was like, “Ah shame” and well… The rest is history. (Just joking… Or am I?)
2. When was the last time you cried?
Crying is like a detox for me. Not just the couple of tears when watching an advert or something like that (that happens all the damn time) but a real, short wetting sob. So Seth was out with friends last Friday and I put on The Notebook and bawled my eyes out the entire movie. It was great.
3. Do you have kids?
Yes, I have three little people. They are a great bunch and although they give me a hard time, like, all the time, I really enjoy being with them.
4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
I actually wonder this a lot. I’d like to think so, but when I think about it too hard I get to self critical and pick apart things (that other people probably don’t even notice) that would totally get on my nerves if I was friends with me.
5. Do you have a guilty pleasure?
Not really. Unless you count eating the kids party pack treats while they’re sleeping. *evil laugh*
6. Do you like handwriting?
I do actually. It took many years to get it where it is today and I feel like it’s very me.
7. What is your favorite cereal?
I don’t eat cereal. But I do enjoy a nice nutty muesli with thick yoghurt and berries. Yum!
8. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Probably how they carry themselves. Are they confident, funny, down to Earth? Sometimes how I am with them depends on how they are with me – if they come across as the dominant person, I’ll be more reserved, but if they are reserved then I’ll be more dominant and try and make the most of the conversation. I feel super awkward in so many personal exchanges that I like to size up the situation as soon as possible.
9. What color are your eyes?
They are like five colours. Mostly light green with yellow centres and brown around the edge, with weird flecks of brown – more in my left eye than in my right. Oh and some blue and grey depending on the light and my mood.
10. Scary movies or happy endings?
When I was in primary school I went to a friends house who happened to be showing an 18 rated horror movie. I had nightmares for years about that – waking up crying and absolutely terrified. My mind just can’t take it, I hate the suspense of it all. So definitely happy endings.
11. Favorite TV show?
I can’t pick just one. I can’t. Dexter, Breaking Bad, New Girl, Vikings, Sons of Anarchy, Friends.
12. Summer or winter?
Summer. I hate being cold. I despise it. I’m cold all the time, but in Summer I finally feel like I can relax.
13. Hugs or kisses?
If I’m in a good mood then I am definitely a hugger with other people – I will get all up in your business and hug you. But with my family I am all about the kisses.
14. What’s the furthest you’ve been from home?
I went to Namibia in High School, that’s about it.
15. Do you have special talents?
The Mom talent of being able to find anything, anywhere, any time – just from memory. And remembering numbers. I know the ID numbers and account numbers for me, Seth and my business partner and if you tell me a number I can remember it for a fair while after that. Also birth dates.
16. Where were you born.
17. What are your hobbies?
Uh, blogging. And reading 🙂
18. Do you have any pets?
Two dogs – Coco and Spartan. Contrary to his name though, Spartan is not a Spartan and probably the most terrified dog you will ever meet.
19. Favorite movie?
300. The Notebook. All Avengers movies ever made because – Thor!
20. What color is your car?
Black. Well charcoal if you want to be really specific.
21. What did you want to be when you grow up?
I wanted to be a teacher, then a marine biologist, then a forensic pathologist and then an Accountant. And then I became an Insurance Broker. Honestly though, I cannot think of one person who has ever decided to be an insurance broker on purpose – we all kind of fell into it and then couldn’t get out.
This is great! I always enjoy learning more about the person behind the blog! I am a born and bread Capetonian too!!
Nihaad – the little blog of STUFF
Get To Know Me
Some of us fell into insurance and got out 😉 miss Incompass though. Also I intentionally avoid crying… So I physically cannot watch sad movies anymore. It’s freeing and detoxing but I cannot do it…
I love this kind of post – and honestly I also hate the cold
LOVE this – will have to get on to it too x
LOL at the Insurance Broker thing – D also ended up there and now he also can’t get out (or won’t).
[…] cute but informative All About Me posts that I first read Cindy’s cute facts over at 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House. 1. Are you named after someone? No one in particular, just a name my parents liked. I have to […]