There is probably a currently post waiting to happen in my head, but I don’t feel like doing one of those now. I’d rather talk about specific things that are happening right now that have nothing to do with what we’re watching or eating or reading or whatever. Let’s talk about life as it is right at this moment.
Honestly to sum it up in one little phrase, “It’s a lot” would just about do it.
It’s probably ridiculous complaining about it, because we’re all busy but I’m at that point of busy where I actually like I have totally disconnected myself from reality in a way. Is that weird? Is that even possible? I don’t know. There are phases in my day where I can smash about 15 things on my to do list and then hours pass where all I do is arb around feeling like there is a mountain growing on my shoulders. There are moments where even though I am listening to what you are saying, I totally haven’t taken any of it in at all. I haven’t slept well in weeks. My body feels sore in all the tense muscle places on my back and the headaches I have been having have seriously made me wonder if I’m coming down with another round of meningitis. Is it possible to get it again? I freaking hope not. Then the other day I realised that I was driving with my shoulders literally touching my ears. My freaking ears! What the hell are they doing all the way up there?
We’re at the point where even though I thought I was putting on a pretty decent facade, everyone in my life is noticing that something is up. The ladies that work in my office are constantly asking me if I’m OK and that goes for my family too. Am I that transparent? Or that easily destroyed?
The reality is that really on it’s own, everything that I have to do is totally fine. I could do it with my eyes closed (which is why I took said things on in the first place) but the fact that they just so happen to coincide to take place in the same time frame is literally blowing my mind to crap.
And yet, even with all that said, I know it’s all going to be OK. It always is. I just need to suck it up, whip out my to do list and get it done son.
So, please excuse me as that is exactly what I am about to do.
Don’t worry, I won’t leave you with nothing else to show you, so here’s some pictures of my kids with our family friends. It’s been such a privilege watching these kids grow up together. Seeing how their friendships have formed and how they have grown really is something special to witness.
I kinda know the feeling. The tension headaches and body aches takes it’s toll though, and this preggy body can’t handle much more of it. I just need to find a way of balancing everything, because it’s not only affecting home and work life, but my blog as well 🙁 Super sad about it. Glad you found some peace though 😀
I think we both need to just take it a little easier on ourselves. Our blogs will survive despite being constantly attended to 🙂 We are more important than a little slice of the internet
❤️ Take care honey, one tick off the to-do list at a time.
Yip – slowly but surely I’m going to kick this in the ass