This is going to sound absolutely ridiculous. Mostly because it really is ridiculous. But I’m going to tell you anyway because I am often on the borderlines of crazy and sharing that makes this space feel real to me. Plus I need to just work it out my system or I’m afraid that I will actually cross that border all the way into crazy and I’m not sure I’m ready for that yet.
And let’s be real, my family isn’t ready for that either, although I’m sure that they probably think I’m already way over that line.
Anyway, back to ridiculousness.
Last night I finished up the last evening of my photography course. It’s been 6 weeks of really getting to know my camera and I have learned SO much! It has been beyond informative and I’m so glad that I did it. I have used Auto on my camera since I had it (which is for about 6 years already) and it was just time to move to using it for what it is really capable of. I have this thing where I see the picture in my minds eye but then the Auto function just doesn’t deliver on what I want that picture to look like. This course was to fix that.
And it really did. My head was sore every Tuesday night because of all the things I learned and yearned to apply to my daily photography. But yoh, it was hard work.
Guys, I’m about to start the ridiculous, so before I do I just want you to know that this was a gift from my family and friends for my birthday and it was the only thing I wanted this year. I don’t want to sound ungrateful, because it really was what I wanted and I learned all the things. And I loved it!
So all of this doesn’t explain why I left the course in tears last night. It so silly, but I could not stop crying.
Because it was our last course, we had to show our homework (we do this every week) and this week it was our first photo story. You could tell any story you wanted – it could be a literal frame by frame story or a series of pictures that work together. My story was pretty good – not perfect, but I was relatively happy with it. Aside from the last picture when Knox was just done and not actually keen to keep on going and so I couldn’t get one where he wasn’t blurry.
Here’s the story…
Cool. I tried to do everything I’d learned – correct lighting and exposure, motion blur, differing the aperture for depth of field etc. Everyone had a turn to lay out their story and so when I laid mine out… I dunno, I was hoping for a bit more of a reaction. There were comments about how cute Knox was and the lighting. But I don’t know, I think I was just hoping for more of a crit or if was good enough then a congrats. It just felt a bit meh. Ugh, art is so subjective.
Then we had to show our 10 best pictures and this is where I almost lost it. Like cry in the class lost it.
I hated all the pictures that I could show. I sound like such a loser but that’s what it is. I didn’t feel like any of them was strong enough on their own to show what I know and are now capable of doing. The thing is, I just haven’t been able to put myself to the test because the last couple of weeks have been so manic that I haven’t had a chance to even think, nevermind go out and try and take some cool pictures at a random location.
The two that we decided on aren’t bad, but I just don’t feel like they are worth showing. I’m not sure that I want to put my name behind it.
So I came home and sobbed. At first, because I didn’t want to talk about it, Seth thought he’d done something. But trying to explain this in words just made me feel even more stupid for being upset about it. It’s so silly. And yet, I still can’t shake it.
Then the more I think about it, the more I realise that I do this in SO many facets of my life. Most especially social media. If the picture isn’t perfect, it will not a damn be on Instagram. It doesn’t help that when I fight this ridiculousness and actually post it, the picture only gets like 12 likes. Which shouldn’t mean anything to me but despite trying to get over it, still does. So much so that I nearly always feel like deleting it. Even a good face slap doesn’t whip me out of it. Which affects another part of my life. You guys. Because for people that tend to only look at my social and not bother to read these posts, they falsely assume that my life is “perfect”. I have had that said to me on too many occasions recently and I hate it. Because it’s just not true. And because it makes people feel junk about themselves and I hate that. Which sucks and I don’t know how to fix it.
And I then I’m just feeling like I’m failing at everything. Like I let down the fundraising team at our school. That I’m not doing enough at work despite trying to squeeze in extra hours whenever I get behind my screen. And the kids home work. And parenting and ugh. Fails all around.
But I know that maybe half of this is due to the hecticness of the last few weeks and I’m obviously just feeling stressed and emotional. But man, I hope it wears off soon because it sucks.
I’ve always thought you were talented behind the camera. Technical skills is such a small part of photography, there’s luck of the moment and beong able to capture those moments when it counts. Being ready, forseeing a perfect picture before it’s too late. Anyway, 6 weeks is short when photography is also about experience and trial and error.
You are so right, 6 weeks really isn’t long enough to get upset about it. I’m definitely going to keep trying to try and really hone it down to a natural skill and not one that is so difficult right now.
One of my most liberating “ah ha” moments that poured into every facet of my life and changed my perspective was the following :
Confidence cannot be found in the things we produce (create, social media, blogs, compliments etc) or even in our abilities , or the things we do or don’t do…
But rather:
From a deep sense of knowing that who we are heart and soul (as people) is enough – better than enough – pretty freaking awesome!!!
We can rest in that, celebrate in that, and heck be confident in that!!
Personally, I have never picked up from social media or your blogs that you live a “perfect” life.
I find your pics to be real, family, funny, yet sincere, and well you guys!!!
If other people pick up “xyz” from pictures without knowing who you are – well then it actually doesn’t really matter in the bigger scheme of things… Right?
You do you,
And the right people will get it,
And be okay with that – we can’t please everyone after all! Ha (been there done that and failed hopelessly at it) ?
You rock Cindy !!! You’re as authentic as it comes!
This is great advice and I’m really going to work on trying to believe it!
I so often see people on Twitter (mainly) saying, “Oh i’m having a SM hiatus. So over SM”. And I kind of eyeroll that they have to announce it ON SOCIAL MEDIA?!? But let me tell you, I deleted Facebook off my phone and what a relief it was. And I know SM is like your 4th child in some ways, but perhaps a bit of a break from Insta+FB+Twitter may be a good idea? I have always loved reading your blog and its because you are always honest and relatable. If you are finding yourself needing to take perfect pictures to prove something, or to show your house/dog/hair in a perfect way, then that feels sad 🙁 You are wonderful Cindy. Its complicated these days isnt it though? SM is such a part of our lives but sometimes it can be stealthily destructive. Quit some of those Channels and spend that time trying out new buttons on your camera. Or shooting something that doesnt move at 127km/hr like a toddler 🙂 🙂 🙂 All that matters, is your happiness. And if you feel that, then that shines through onto everything else. Much love! xxx
You always have a knack of speaking truth to me and my mind! I think this weekend I’m going to sort of go off the grid, even if that just means not posting or looking and not deleting accounts 🙂
Totally agree!!!!
I know when I’m feeling overly emotional and fragile, words don’t really help… but here are a few, just in case… I always LOVE the photos you take, and am always jealous that I can’t take photos that great. Whether it’s the ones you share on Instagram, or those on your blog posts, I’m always super impressed and inspired to take better photos (I haven’t succeeded yet ?). Your photos are part of the reason I put a camera and photography course on my wishlist (an answer to a question on a blogger feature interview). I hope you feel better and less stressed out soon. x
Thank you so much. I think I’m similar because although I really want all these great thoughts and words to hit home for me, a lot of them haven’t yet. But I know I will get to a space where they do, so thank you!
Started following you because I have an interest in renovating a VW Autovilla. But have been drawn in because I found your blogs and photos captivating, even when not covering Optimus. Please don’t be hard on yourself – you’re doing good! Just keep enjoying yourself and we will keep enjoying your work. Perfection does not exist and even if it did – happiness trumps perfection on any day of the week…
Thanks so much Janine – for reading and for sticking around! The fact that you’re still here really counts for something so thank you. And thank you for taking the time to comment with that truth bomb – perfection really doesn’t exist.
I know nothing about photography, and am not even on instagram, but I do love your posts!!
YAY! Thanks so much Jo. (I’d say you should totally get on that Instagram train but it’s actually probs so much better for you not to or you’ll end up as crazy as I am haha)
I just want to say that I have only recently found your blog (through your African blogger award actually), and it has already become one of my favourite blogs I follow. I have read all your mixed race relationship posts, and your mums with tattoos posts. Your whole family is gorgeous and I love that you are not afraid of writing about the hard stuff. Your photos capture perfectly what family life is about (and the one of your daughter at the start of this post is wonderful). I love your hair colour too! I’ll stop now before I start sounding like a crazy stalker, but I just wanted to say thanks from the other side of the world (NZ) 🙂
Woah no ways! That’s awesome – welcome to our little space on the web – thank you for reading and for sticking around! I guess we are all too hard on ourselves at the best of times
I feel you friend – I am an A-type, OCD, highly organized, strive-for-perfection-always control freak.
I feel ya x
It’s SO hard!!!
My goodness, Cindy. It sounds like you need a hug.
Parenting, working a full time job, blogging like a crazy woman, a photography course and who knows what else that you’re not sharing?! It sounds like you have a full (well, maybe over-full) plate at the moment. If someone were to say this to you, you’d tell them to give themselves a break, right? So give yourself a break. It’s not really important to show at the end of 6 weeks what you learned. It’s important to remember those lessons, and try to use them to improve the process of DOING SOMETHING YOU LOVE. That’s the important part. If what you love turns into something that torments you, then it’s not going to work anymore.
Give yourself some slack, forget about that last class, and go out there and slay! But maybe have a nap first, because it sounds like you need one!
You are so right!!!! I’m about to get on that whole nap thing, but also in applying what I’ve learned now into the things that I really want o photograph now that I have the time to do it properly. Well sort of.
Maybe you’re just doing too much… and its that crazy time of year. Your life looks perfect because you don’t post the messy pics on IG etc. Maybe take a step back and commit to less next year? Decide what’s most important and focus on that. Easier said than done. Its probably easier for me because I don’t have work and school things, but for the sake of my sanity I have learnt to say no… hugs my friend xx
If this year has taught me anything it’s definitely that. I am choosing a lot more carefully now before over committing myself to things that I actually can’t deliver on.
Life is never going to be perfect. I get it. As moms especially we want things to run smoothly and 100% and have high expectations , especially for ourselves. Sometimes things just doesn’t go as planned and that is also OK. I totally get how you are feeling. I especially love your blogs because you portray real family life. It doesn’t look fake and you blog about everyday life – perfect or not. You are a inspiration to many moms out there. You run your family life, husband, 3 kids , 2 dogs and a house and you work as well. On top of that you run this blog across various social media channels. That is a lot. Cut yourself some slack – you are awesome!! Take some ME time this weekend and just chill and relax.
I switched off for most of this weekend and it was bliss!
HI Cindy! I read just about everyone of your blog posts because I really enjoy everything you write about! I love how honest you are and I relate to so many of your posts! I follow tons of mom bloggers but yours just sticks ! I feel the failure all the time and then the guilt that comes with it. I think we are all so hard on ourselves as women and as moms these days and even though we shouldn’t. From what I’ve read about you I think you are awesome and I’m kinda in awe of you and how much you seem to do and accomplish!
Hey Hannah, thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I totally, we are hard on ourselves as women in general and then adding motherhood to the mix just makes it all go crazy. We need to cut ourselves some slack!!
[…] week I briefly chatted about how I may have gone slightly over the edge with my photography course. It’s not the […]
The thing it, it’s easy to spot a PHENOMENAL photo…you know the ones that make you gasp and say wow! It’s also easy to spot a shite photo. But the ones in between that are technically correct and whatnot don’t usually jump out and scream look how awesome I am. It takes some in depth knowledge to look at a photo and KNOW how difficult it was, even if the subject of content of the photo is mundane. So now you HAVE that knowledge, it makes you judge everything harder…which is a blessing and a curse, When I find myself thinking too much about could-have-should-have I check whether the content is more important than the technique. did i capute the first kiss between brothers? Yes. IS it in focus? Not even close.
Congrats on stretching yourself and learning something new!
You’re so right – it’s all so subjective and there’s so much grey area with these things. Obviously they are pushing us to try and go for those epic shots, but most of us aren’t the next National Geographic photographer. So I’m with you, the knowledge is there now, so now I just need to use it to better what I already take pictures of.