It seems crazy to think that I have been “grey haired” for more than two whole years. This picture up there was taken in August 2015 when I was trying to perfect a 5 minute make up look. And while my make up look is still basically the exact same (as you can see in this little tutorial video), my hair has been through all 50 shades of grey – and more.
I remember when I took the plunge and went grey. I was absolutely panicking in my chair at Stylebar. What if I hated it? What if it totally didn’t suit me even a little bit? What if it all fell out? (Only joking on that last one, I knew I was in very capable hands).
Actually while I was sitting there, I couldn’t help but think of that time just after Kyla, when I dyed my hair a dark brown and cut a fringe. What an epically bad move that was. Not only did my own kid not recognise me when I came out, the colour made me look like a vampire. And not in the Twilight way. I was not glowing.
Going grey…
No matter how brave you are feeling, seeing your hair turn a very unnatural shade of yellow is going to freak even the most bold of my hair changing brethren. And this, being the fundamental step in the going grey process, had me all aflutter. And me, being me and totally not a bold or adventurous person by nature, sat very quietly trying not to have a little panic attack.
All the freak out was totally not worth it though, because the change was exactly what I wanted.
Now two years and 4 months later, I still adore my grey/silver hair. It just feels like me. Like the me I was supposed to be. In fact my mother was fully grey by 30 so I was holding out hope that mine would go that way on its own, but it’s holding out on me. Which means I need to give it a little helping hand.
It doesn’t always stay grey though. I went through a phase where I wanted the grey to turn a pretty shade of lilac and instead of using the Nak blonde shampoo and conditioner, I used gensin violet. It was not even close to what I envisioned. At one point I remember self consciously walking to an event at the Waterfront with blotchy BRIGHT purple hair. Boy did I get a few side eyes!
Purple hair
(the toned down version because I think I was too embarrassed to take a picture of the worst of it)… Oh no wait. Found one
Why stop there though?
Playing around with the colour was fun! So I started playing around a little more. From adding some pink highlights to the bottom of my hair, to washing it with a pink conditioner, to dyeing it completely pink.
Going PINK…
Admittedly I don’t think the pale pink works as well with my naturally red face as the purple/silver does, but it was fun to try. And I particularly like colour that would go in but rinse out after a couple of washes when I was tired of it. So I tried the Nak Vintage Pink Conditioning treatment (results are the middle picture up there) that turned my hair a lovely shade of pink. It’s still one that I use on the regular because not only do I get the pink, I also get the silky soft hair after the treatment.
The thing with playing around with colour and being in love with rainbows, means that you can’t just stop after pink and purple. Why not just go full rainbow? Exactly! There’s no reason why not.
So I went full rainbow!
This was easily one of my most favourite looks of the lot. Mostly because I love a good rainbow, but also because I loved how the colour looked against the rest of the grey hair.
For a little while now we’ve been back to the usual grey but I’m still very much in love despite the fact that my children want me to go back to “being normal and blonde”. But sorry for them, I’m going to be wild a free a little longer, thank you very much! Also I quite honestly don’t even recognise myself with that blonde hair anymore. I adore my grey and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
However, having “different” hair means that I have to ensure that I look after it properly. If I go without using a good quality conditioner, my hair feels like straw. Which means that I want to introduce you to one of my favourite hair care products. They look after silver hair, but every other hair type too. They are called Nak. The products leave your hair feeling great and you can rest assured because they do not test on animals, nor do their products contain any animal by products.
Obviously you aren’t going to get my silver/grey hair shampoo (unless that’s your vibe). So you can choose from the Hydrating, Nourishing or Body N Shine options.
Also while I have you… Do you see this little button…
If you love our blog, then won’t you take 2 seconds out of your day to go and vote for us quickly? I’d really appreciate it!
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- If you have won a giveaway on 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House in the last 6 months, you may not enter
This NAK giveaway is our fourth 10 Days Of Giveaways prize on the blog. But there have been others that have been hidden in our Instagram stories, on our Facebook page and on Twitter that you might have missed. There’s even one that relates to Pinterest. Luckily there’s still so much more to come. If you want to make sure that you increase your chance of winning on all the other social platforms, make sure you follow along.
I think… Nourishing, but they all sound amazing
I think my mane needs some pampering!!!!
Your hair looks awesome…
I would choose the Nourishing.
Body and shine for sure!
I would choose the hydrating. After growing out my hair and not dying it all all for 2 years, I finally dyed my hair again last week. Love it! but my technically virgin hair not so much =)
Hydrating please! Oh and love all your coloured hair!
I would love to win!!
Wow! Can’t believe it’s been that long since you first went grey. Your rainbow phase was definitely my favorite
Keeping grey hair grey is sometimes a full time job but boy it’s worth it!
I would choose the Nourishing set from NAK… I have been various shades of blonde (light to dark blonde and back again) and I think my hair needs some love and ‘nourishment’ ? Also, I think you’ve given me the extra hair inspo I’ve needed to do some Dec holiday hair fun!
Loving the silver – it suits you. Wish I was brave enough to do it too!
My hair needs nourishing
Ooooh that rainbow hair was everything. You are definitely brave, I would be so nervous to pull it off. This Nak haircare looks amazing. I think I will check out the hydrating shampoo and conditioner, my hair is always dry from having highlights done
Hydrating please!
Loved that rainbow look too.
You gots my vote!!!
Body N Shine
I would defiantly choose the body and shine hamper . I have limp hair . Just flat and lifeless
The nourishing set would work well for my hair which is super frizzy dry and terrible , I have super super thick hair and it goes like 5d needs nourishment. Yours look soooooooo amazing by the way xxx
The Nourishing set.
I literally do not recognise you with Blonde hair. I am obsessed with your grey hair!
The Nourishing set please!
Definitely the nourish and shine. My hair is in desperate need
I would love the nourishing set
Ps your hair is amazing
Body N Shine ?
Hydrating would be the one I’d go for. Part of going super short is to help my natural curl journey…so hydrating would go a long way in getting the defined curl happening.
Also colour fun for you ftw!
I choose the Hydrating
A wonderful giveaway and I absolutely love your hair I need this look to.
Hydrating would be my choice…hair with moisture is beautiful hair!
Body & Shine
I would choose the hydrating nourishing. My hair is in dire need of some repair after the constant styling
Body n shine
I would choose the Hydrating
Hydrating sounds about right for me.
Gosh, I need to try these products!
Love the rainbow not sure I have the guts for something like that… Highlights will have to do
Just realised the raffle copter entry doesn’t contain the correct Twitter handle its jansenbl and I do follow you
I would use the nourishing
Love your hair! I would choose Nourishing ?
Body and Shine
Just gorgeous! Love the rainbow
After 2 years and 4 months of treatment, your hair looks pretty amazing! My hair is frizzy and curly, so I have always been apprehensive about going grey, as I’m under the impression that it only looks good on styled/straightish hair. I might be wrong?! I would certainly love to try, though.. I desperately need a change. As for now, my dry curls crave NOURISHMENT!
I would choose the Hydrating, or Nourishing… Oh my… I can’t decide.. can I just decide if I win? 🙂
I have heard great things about the NAK brand so would love to try it out. I would choose the Body & Shine as I have oily roots.
I’ve been wanting to go full grey for the longest time. So finally settled on an ombré with my ends being very ashy blonde. One day I’ll have enough guys to go full grey (holding out on genetics lending a helping hand or my two toddlers for those extra few grey hairs)
I would choose the Nourishing set from NAK
I have had a fringe for like… not kidding…..12 years!!!!!!!!! So desperate for a change.
Body n shine. I love your grey hair. I also have a complexion like you so would love of try it I unfortunately have very long hair and any bleach that goes near it makes it turn out like straw and break easily.
How often do you have to redye your hair with regrowth etc? I love the different colours. I went lumo pink once, was the most epic thing i have done and i loved it. I love the rainbow,, please do it again.
I touch it up every 6 weeks or so, although I try and push it as long as I can between sessions to try and give my hair a break.
will definitely choose it
My hair needs some definite loving!
I would choose the Nourishing one, for sure!
The Nourishing set please!
I would choose the Nourishing set
Omw… i just coloured my hair…. like a deep purple violet tone.. need good colour shampoo nd conditioner … oh and i already voted ???
Hydrating.. this summer heat and humidity plays havoc with my beloved locks 🙁
I have been envious of your hair since you went grey! SO gorgeous! I think I would choose the Body N Shine has my hair is so dull at the moment!
Nourishing – my hair needs some love after all I put it through!
I love your hair. Went platinum before a while now blonde tips.
I would choose the hydrating set.
Hydrating for me please, my hair is very dry
Think the hydrating products are what my hair needs most at the moment. The nourishing range sounds great too though. Just started using the Nak blonde conditioner and it is AMAZING!