Last night we handed over our keys from our very first house that we shared together. Of course, “house” is a very strong term for that little flat but man, it did us well while we were there. It’s actually slightly ironic that we’re selling all the memories that we had in that 36m2 little apartment so that we can make new memories in a 7.5m2 campervan. Clearly we have a thing for small spaces.
I really didn’t think that I’d feel emotional about it. Although when we sold our first car I cried like a baby as we were driving away. That car and it’s crazy little quirks, like hooting every time we turned the corner, defined a lot of the early years of our relationship. The Uno was part of us and so was our little bachelor pad.
Usually I’m not really tied to things like that but as I walked in there last night I was flooded with so many memories.
We moved into Ruby’s Place just after we got back from our honeymoon. At 20 and 22, it was the first time that either of us had lived away from our parents but we were SO ready to do life together in our space. To really make it our own you know? I’m really not joking when I say that it was small, if you lie like a starfish on the floor, you could literally have a hand or a foot in every room of the place. We even shared a cupboard! It was tight! But being a newly married couple, that’s exactly how we wanted it – to be all up in each others business.
As sad as it was to let go of it last night I’m not actually as sad as I was when we said goodbye to the Uno. I think it’s because we were so young, wild and free that we hardly actually spent time in the flat at all. I remember clearly wanting children or a pet just so that we’d feel more tied to the place. How naive I was.
But in light of saying goodbye to that space, I thought I’d share a bit about our first year of marriage in our very first little bachelor flat in Ruby’s Place.
I remember spending many Sunday nights after church eating toasted cheese, downing coffee (and still being able to sleep later) and chatting with our good friends the Kooymans. It was our Sunday evening ritual and probably my absolute favourite memory of that time.
I remember fighting over whose turn it was to wash the dishes. And why I was unable to put my clothes away or close cupboard doors. It’s really clear in one big room when things get out of control – bra’s on the couches, socks on the counter. Yes, that’s right – I’m the messy one in our relationship. This would still be a problem if we hadn’t upgraded to a dishwasher I’m telling you.
I remember making a vegetable soup that literally burned like fire when you tasted it because I had put in so much garlic. I’m pretty sure we killed all the vampires in the area for a couple days with that soup.
I remember waking up one morning and playing Sims with Seth the entire day. No literally, the ENTIRE DAY. We did not leave the flat for 24 hours and all we did was play Sims and eat Pringles. And yes, we played together. I’m still not sure how we did that, but we did – talk about love hey.
I remember having a wine rack but not drinking wine.
I remember being able to leave work and just go out straight after – without a worry in the World. It was literally a lock up and go and we had no responsibilities. We spent so much time at the movies, shopping for the house or each other, going out for dinners and just basically doing whatever the hell we wanted. It was glorious.
I remember getting hamsters to fill my insane broodiness. Aside from them making more hamsters and then turning into hamster cannibals by eating their own freaking children! They also lived in the bathroom at night and once I put them too close to my new towels and they decimated them for their nests. I hated those hamsters.
I remember painting the walls and installing the wooden laminated floors ourselves. Picking out the clock, that has been with us ever since (until it died a very unceremonious death at the end of last year), carrying the mirror through Canal Walk because we knew it would fit in perfectly and choosing every single item that we included in our home.
I remember printing out all the pictures that we had taken as a couple and sticking them directly on the wall, because I watched that movie with Robin Williams and wanted a wall of photos. Totally normal.
I remember loving the red and black combo which will now forever remind me of Ruby’s Place.
I remember having a party there and trying to squish all our friends into the same space. I think we had about 30 people over and it was TIGHT.
I remember dying my hair chocolate brown and then wondering what the heck I did to myself!
I remember some chop always parking in our parking bay. And leaving threatening messages on his window.
I remember starting our lives together. Many nights of plotting and planning our future that didn’t even come close to how it’s actually turned out now 11 years later.
The important thing is that these memories are not going to die with the sale of this flat. They are going to live on through this post and maybe even my brain if it decides to remember for a bit longer. RIP Ruby’s Place – it’s been real. Now on to more new adventures!
loved this post – it reminded me so much of when my husband and I moved in together, when I was 22.
It’s such a special time despite it being super frustrating at times haha
It looks like you know how to live in whatever space you have – makes for a happy life.
Making the most out of any situation is probably the key and not dwelling in what isn’t there, but what is. I say that, but ja, it’s hard to actually do
Lovely post! Made me think of my own life. ?
Everyone has those first house memories – such a vibe
Loved this. Brought a tear to my eye having me remember our first year together. Thanks Cindy!
That first year really is a magical year! Starting out life together.