We’ve been posting a lot about how things are going to work in the campervan. I mean really, when you start to think about the actual every day workings of how it’s all going to go down, there are questions that arise right? Like what the heck are you even doing? And what about schooling the kids? And maybe more importantly, how are you going to stay sane?
I don’t really have an answer for the last one, to be honest, but we’re not talking about that today (thank goodness).
What we are talking about is that they are all great questions and they come streaming in through our social on the regular. I actually love all the questions because it helps me to think about things I may not have thought about before. And it gives me something to blog about when I get stuck in a rut (like I am right now haha). Plus, if we can help anyone else do something this fun, then why the heck not hey?
But what I am find increasingly funny is how people are asking about getting it on in the camper. Mostly because it’s never via our social channels. Because that would be weird right? Just imagine…
“Hey there Cindy, just leaving my very first comment ever on your blog. I know I don’t really leave comments or heart your pictures on Insta because I’m scared you going to think that I’m a weird stalker but I really wanted to asked you a question. What really wanted to know is, um, well, how are you guys going to bump and grind while your kids are never going to be more than 2 metres away from you at any given time?”
Laugh out loud!
But honestly, I’d totally DIG those comments because that’s what this really is all about for me. Engaging with each other. I think the massive rut I’m in is because I often feel like I’m just talking to a wall. A big, invisible internet wall. I love all your comments and I reply to every single one of them. No matter what. If you leave a comment on the blog I promise that I will reply. Unless it’s a giveaway of course, that would be crazy.
But I digress.
We’re talking about how leaving a comment might be weird, so instead it’s done in person. Because that’s not weird at all. Usually casually just thrown into conversation as we sit around the braai or chat over a steaming mug of coffee. Sometimes it’s a “Oh yes, I was wondering about how you guys are going to keep your marriage alive” and sometimes it’s more like, “Damn you guys are not going to have sex for a whole year!“. I don’t mind though, it’s a totally valid question to be asking.
And yes, maybe talking about our sex life might be a bit weird. (Sorry Mom). But they have got a point.
How are we going to keep the romance alive in our relationship when our children are going to be asleep literally two arms lengths away from where we are supposed to get all bow-chica-wow-wow?
Curtains guys. Curtains. We will be putting up THREE lots of curtains just to ensure that this trip provides lots of good memories instead of a couple of traumatising ones for our children! I mean we’ve had the “talk” so they will have an idea of what’s going on, but for now I’m pretty happy with them thinking that we’ve only gotten busy 3 times in our lives. (You know, when each one of them was conceived).
We will be installing curtains up by the girls bed. Down by Knox’s bed. And then another one closing off our bedroom area. But depending on how worried I am, maybe I’ll just add a few more in between so they’d have to run a gauntlet before they could get there accidentally.
Which takes care of the visual side of things but um… What about the noise?
I hear you. (Get it – hahaha). The good news is that we’ve learned how to be pretty quiet when we have to be and I’m pretty sure we’re going to have to be. So I’m not too worried about that.
But what I am worried about (and what we have yet to figure out) is rocking the camper. I mean just turning over makes the whole thing wiggle (so much so that at one point when we stayed in there for a week, I actually got a bit sea sick. Which is weird right?). So I can’t even imagine what will happen when we do more than just turn over.
Which is just another unknown facet in this whole adventure. It’s called an adventure because it’s full of the unknown and yet to be discovered. But don’t worry, I’ll be sure to feedback on how we nailed it (hahaha).
Cindy, come on now. You sound like my parents thinking sexy time only happens at night/in a bed. I am pretty sure you will be stopping in some magnificent places so perhaps the outdoors will provide you with more….interesting….options 🙂
But being out in the open is WAY more chance of getting caught! At least if they are asleep I know exactly where they are. But you’re right we can be outside when they are inside!
Love it!!! I’m one of the nosey peeps who likes to ask this kind of question. It’s fo realz! A suggestion – maybe implement a “privacy” rule for the van….. when the curtain is closed then you have to knock and ask to “come in”? Even for their rooms-they might find it fun and necessary if you have alone time during the day. Oh, and what about using like the car jack thingy majig and place two under either side of the van?
Oooooh, I like you stabilising ideas – we’re definitely going to have to find something to sort that out even just for normal day to day survival, nevermind sexy times. I like the privacy rule because we’re all going to need to have some space from each other – even if it’s just for me to work or for the kids to have a time out. We’ll give this a try!!
You’ve (sorta) answered what I have been wondering. And very glad I didn’t have to ask !! haha
LOL, it does seem to be a burning question!
Hi Cindy
Firstly I must say I love your blog <3 and I admire what you are about to do.
We have a motor home and our son slept in the bubble above the drivers compartment, we used curtains for him for both our and his privacy. My husband also put lights and a fan there for his comfort. Our bed did not have a curtain, but I think you have a great idea to have one for extra privacy.
Our camper has stabilizers arms to stop it from rocking, see if yours has them or maybe get them fitted.
Thanks Judy!! We’ll definitely look into those stabilisers – just the thought of the rocking is making me feel queasy haha
I know you love comments, but I’m going to inbox you my suggestions. Not because I’m shy about sex. Just because my mom might read this and she doesn’t think I’ve ever done it. Even though I’m on my second husband.
LOL!!! I love that!
I think give it a try before you travel 😉 Preferably when the kids are away, hehe. Just to check out the rocky-ness. Mentally, I don’t know if I’d be able to go through with “it” with the kids being right there. But try and enjoy the outside maybe as Debs’ suggested!!
We are definitely going to have to have a test run or two to see what happens. If we can even get the thing running at all we will definitely take it on a mini break somewhere and give it a go haha
You need to get more stabilizer feet for the camper definitely. the way Riya and Kyla toss and turn you will be seasick just with them. never mind the bow-chica-bow wow. Just to let you know Dad and I did it more than 2x 🙂
NO NO NO NO NO!!! Only twice. That’s all I need to know thank you very much!
Brilliant! and brave!
And crazy could probably be added in there haha
Haha be sure to attach a few little bells to those curtains so you don’t get snuck up on ?
Totally going to do that!! I’m terrified of forever destroying my kids view of us haha
YAY!!! I’m SO glad that you enjoyed this post!!
Wahaha hilarious! I hadn’t even considered this but I like the in your face reality hits questions being answered. Very funny, maybe you need a little kiddies tent for the outside (especially if you hitting caravan parks)… “so the kids have a play space outside if it rains”…but actually “so mom and dad can play outside the van in the evenings space” …that solves the rocking the campervan till it flips problem 😛
You give us too much credit – flipping the campervan would be heck of a noisy hahaha. But the outdoor tent idea is a great one!!
You could put a different sounding bell on each set of curtains to raise the alarm.
My friend calls it stealth mode! One setting doll Stealth mode
I love the bell idea!! I was thinking of lining the floor with things for them to trip on and raise alarm but bells sound so much easier haha
Lol, love this Cindy! I hate to admit that this was the very first question on my mind, hahhaha. Hence me just dropping what I was busy with right now to read this post, LOL. All this advice from the comments sounds great to me, especially the stabilisers. I’ve been on a house boat (with no kids around) and when others are “rocking the boat” it’s just awkward as anything. We have very strict private time in our home, not necessarily for sex, in fact sometimes highly unsexy times where we can just have adult conversation in peace. It could mean my husband busy making a poo and me doing my makeup, just for chats you know. I would probably be quite strict about that and send the kids to play outside, “Mommy and Daddy have private time now” – it’s not always going to be about the sex, you may want to go inside alone to sort out some differences. I’m sure they will all need their own alone time too. I would also probably try “nailing it” in the backyard when we’re all sleeping in the van before we leave. That way we would all be at home to deal with any potential mishap when testing the stabiliser. I cannot wait to hear the feedback, however creepy that may sound, LOL.
Private time is probably going to be the biggest thing we’ll miss in the camper so we’re defs going to have to implement some kind of strategy to ensure that we still get it. A lot of trial and error coming our way 🙂
No advice to offer, but I am having so much fun reading the posts.
I’m SO glad that you are enjoying them!!
This read was both hilarious and raw to the bone. Putting myself in your position (hylerthetically) I suppose I might experiment with “sexy time” outside of the Campervan? Nothing like a little outside action under the stars when the kids are asleep! You would of course have to be parked in a Forrest or some other secluded area…..with loads of trees and shrubbery for coverage. Things could get interesting! Can’t wait to read the follow up stories. Thanks for over-sharing
Over sharing seems to be my vibe haha – I think under the stars sounds super romantic but on the ground covered in mud not so much. But we’ll see. Although I’m worried about my kids spotting something they shouldn’t, I’m equally worried about other random strangers seeing things they shouldn’t! Eeek
Hahaha! This was a very good read. I also wondered – it’s normal. I nearly spit out my tea when I read your mom’s comment!. 🙂
I LOVE reading your blogs and Insta posts. Looking forward to read all the posts when you venture out on your adventure.
LOL, my mom completely killed my nice little dreams I had haha
Theres always the showers ?. I’m so looking forward to following along with your adventure. Husband and I spent 6 months in a Kombi traveling around Europe in 1984. Just the two of us, I can’t imagine doing it with 3 kids. Bravo for following your wild dreams and making them happen.
Oh my goodness – doing it through Europe as a couple is fast becoming a real dream of mine!! I’m sure you have SO many great memories!!
Considering that most of the world lives in one room houses, its not like you’re alone. Also, you’d be surprised at how solidly kids can sleep.
I know! I have actually thought about this a lot, but man, that fear is still there!
Hahaha, loved this post!! And can’t believe I didn’t;t even think about it… Half the fun is thinking about how to do this… x
TOTALLY! It will definitely add and experimental facet to this adventure haha
You’ll give feedback on how you nailed it? Hahaha. Cindy you are crazy. Funny and rare post. You had guts to post it
I’m all about real life yo – or I try to be anyway. 🙂
Get a tent!! You know for the days youre just feeling claustraphobic ??? then you can go all out. I mean u have to keep it Interesting.
TOTALLY – every day is going to be a new adventure in every respect haha
[…] I know some things should just stay off the web. Possibly things like worrying about having sexy time in the camper. But I figure if we go through up’s and down’s and have to rethink how we approach […]
[…] screen TV and then um… Well… I know what Netflix and chill means guys. I have to update you on the later part of that, but that’s not as difficult as we expected. It’s the combo that I’m missing. […]
Gotta love it!
[…] it’s totally not like that. Like at all. I’m not going to touch on the rocking the campervan yet, but I can only remember one time that we’ve managed to have a proper, uninterrupted […]