Woah, OK, hang on. I realise that there are various versions of the snip. I should have thought that through. Too be clear, all my bits are still intact and should I so desire, we could open the baby factory again. However I haven’t actually lost my damn mind so that’s not going to happen. And don’t even get me started on trying to get Seth to get the snip. That’s a whole other issue.
What I am really here to talk about is my hair.
I cut it all off. Well, I didn’t. My amazing stylist and colourist at Stylebar did. It was just time you know? I seem to chop it all off every 4 or 5 years and it was time to get clear of those split and ratty looking dead ends. But you guys, I was terrified. I knew I wanted to do it but I took forever to make the appointment…
But the day came and I sucked it up and got it done.
I thought about leaving the colour and to start slowly integrating it back to my natural colour. But then I realised that I hate my natural colour. It doesn’t feel like me. This silvery grey and sometimes purple is just what I love right now and I’m not ready to give it up.
So we gave it a bit of a colour…
Before chopping it all off.
Ermegersh. That’s a lot of hair…
You see, I had a few reasons that I knew I had to do this. The ratty, split ends was a front runner of reasons, ease on the campervan journey another, but then there’s also the fact that at the top of my head there was a chunk of hair where it had all broken off in one place. Basically I had a bob in just one section of my hair already. I needed to do it, just to make it look normal.
I went for the blunt bob because I’ve never tried that cut before and it seemed like it would suit me.
Not the best pictures, but by the time I took that pic my make up was looking naff and I was to beyond caring to touch it up. So filter the crap out of it I did.
I love how healthy my hair feels now and how easy it is to manage. What I’m still not convinced about is whether it suits me. All my wonderful friends (who can probably see the panic in my eyes when we talk about it) reassure me that it looks great. I’m not so sure. But like Seth says, hair grows back and stop being so full of myself. So I’ll stop.
Tabitha from Grand Little Adventures makes it look good though – this was the day after the cut when it was still styled with an actual hairdryer. I can’t be arsed to do that so it’s never looked as good again. While you’re checking these out you should probably head over to her Instagram account and follow along. There might just be something great coming your way later this week.
I think it looks amazing and the colour definitely is YOUR colour! Great cut for you roadtrip!
Right – the colour just feels so right! The cut I’m still getting used to haha
You look great!