BREAKFAST: Rolled oats, coconut cream, honey, banana, 90% dark choc, almonds
So you guys already know that I have been keeping clear of dairy, gluten and sugar for like, two whole years already right? I know, I can’t believe it’s been two freaking years since I last sipped on a flat white at a trendy coffee shop. Am I even Cape Townian anymore? Probably not. Need to revoke that passport now I guess. Although with 16 days till we leave I may have to do that anyway.
The good news is that even though I didn’t think it was even possible, you totally learn to live without the dairy and other things. And even more than that, you learn to actually enjoy it. Didn’t think that was possible either.

BREAKFAST: Scrambled eggs, mushrooms and avo – black coffee
At first it’s hard, you’re damn right it is. But the other day my business partner (who should really know better after TWO years) bought me a coffee with milk in it. Like do you even know me bro?! So I drank it, because it’s rude to just waste other peoples money. And man, I use to have SO much milk in my coffee and now it actually just tasted disgusting! Which just proves that you can learn to unlove it. The same with like, fancy cheese. But not with pizza, or burgers. Sorry. Those stay to taunt you on your weakest days.
Recently I’ve had to make some even more difficult changes to my diet. I’ve been talking about it a lot on Instagram (my social media outlet of choice at the moment – the Instastories, not the curated pictures that I will never have the time or the energy to take), but I realised that I haven’t really shared my new diet here. Which is crazy because it’s a lot to process and usually that would mean writing out all my feelings.

BREAKFAST: Oats, coconut cream, honey, pomegranate seeds, banana, almonds, dark chocolate from Nomu
I saw the new Health Renewal Doctor at Skin Renewal a little while ago and we chatted about a lot of things. The Doctor I saw is different to the one I first saw two years ago and I feel like we’re more on the same page here about what I, or should I say we, want to achieve.
Here’s what I loved about our meeting:
- She knew what she was talking about which made me feel at ease. She also explained it all to me in detail so even though I don’t fully understand how it’s all connected, I know enough to know what is causing it and how to fix it.
- She was invested in the process with me and is not just giving me a diet to try and get on with while I live the rest of my life. No, we’re tackling it together, keeping me accountable and providing guidance. I need that! Like desperately. I cannot be left to my own devices, it never ends well. It opens up the doors to cheating, and I need that door firmly shut, locked and bolted. With a dragon standing guard.
- It’s not just based on random guessing but real tests. I needed to do a blood test to check levels of a bunch of things so we can tailor make a treatment to help me specifically. Which was really good as my meds revealed a lot of concerning things – like oestrogen levels triple what they should be for my age, an underactive thyroid, a liver that’s not getting rid of things like it should and a serious lack of Vit D. Look, none of it is life threatening, obvs. But they all work together and because none of them are functioning optimally they have a knock on effect on each other and the cycle will just continue unless we fix it.

SUPPER – Grilled fish, sweet potatoes in coconut oil, broccoli and baby spinach
Here’s what I didn’t love so much:
- My new diet.
Don’t get me wrong. I totes understand the reasoning behind it. But cutting out even more things was a bit of a shock to the system. I have to cut out all of my favourite things. The things that made cutting out wheat, dairy and sugar worth it. Things like a lekker steak, potatoes, sushi, butternut, tomatoes, chickpeas, dried fruit and a whole range of other things. Oh and alcohol. Guys.
We’ve been saying goodbye to many of our friends and I can’t tell you how hard it has been to not indulge in a little glass of wine with them to celebrate and commiserate all at the same time. But I have been strong and I have never felt prouder of myself.

SUPPER – Roast chicken, roast veg (carrots, mushrooms, baby marrow, onions, sweet potato) and baby spinach
Seth has been doing it with me, which is really great. It’s a good motivator for us both to stay in line. We’ve obvs lost quite a bit of weight. But other than that it has given us more energy, no bloating, a more consistent um, bowel movement and just an overall sense of feeling better than before.
It’s such a shock seeing so many green things in my trolly but I’m loving it. Also not eating expensive beef and lamb has helped to afford the nuts and coconut cream that seem to have taken their place.
Thankfully it’s not forever. Just need to make it through another couple of weeks and then we will start reintroducing the excluded things back into the diet. And then also take various supplements that will help to get all the blood test results back in line again.
Overall I’m feeling optimistic even if my skin is going totally freaking berserk having to adapt to the change.

SUPPER: Omlette, fried sweet potatoes, mushrooms, onions and baby spinach.

chicken, roast sweet potatoes, baby spinach beetroot, avo and broccoli.

SUPPER: Grilled fish, roast sweet potatoes and baby spinach

SUPPER: salad leaves, baby spinach, raw carrots, avo, spring onion, fried mushroom and onion, roast chicken and boiler egg. Sprinkled with toasted buckwheat seeds, sunflower seeds and some other seeds I can’t remember.
Isn’t it amazing how much dietary changes affect our bodies? I’m glad you have found something that is working for you. Your food looks delicious, what time is dinner?
It’s insane the effect it can have on everything! I always thought that old adage of “what you put in, you get out” was rubbish, but I get it now.
Sjoe, all of these dishes look amazing! What do you use as substitutes for milk like in your omelette and in your scrambled eggs?
I just make the eggs without the milk. Tastes pretty much the same actually. other than that the only other substitute that I use would be coconut milk (for things like curry that I may have used cream in), I find all other substitutes disappointing and not worth the money.
Looks amazing – it’s amazing how when you are told something is going to be removed from your diet you instantly want that thing – but your menu doesn’t look like any hardship. Great display and photos as well.