I’ve been sitting here, at our pop up table during the day/bed base at night, staring at my screen for the last 10 minutes. Next to me Kyla is finishing up her journal entry for the day. We’ve both been struggling to get our heads into the game because in truth although I have been sitting here staring for 10 minutes, I have been working for the two hours before that. It’s not always easy to focus on one thing, when there’s so many different things happening around you.
Anyway, I was stuck. So I asked her what she thought I should call this post. I explained that it’s all about Knox wearing super trendy gear while we go about our adventure this year. She came up with the title “Clothes in the Wild” and I think I like it. In fact I like it a lot because it perfectly sums up exactly where we are right now.

We’ve been holed up in Addo for the last week and it’s been our first “wild” experience. We’ve never been on game drives or to game parks before and it’s seriously checking off all the bucket list things for us. But this post isn’t about that. No no no. This post is about the awesome clothing that Knox has been wearing from Keedo.
Now, I don’t know if you realise how big our van is. Well, whatever you think it is, halve it. It’s teeny. Which means that we had to make some serious calls on what we could take with us. Which in all cases was not much. We limited it to about a weeks worth of clothing options for Summer and Winter. So essentially two weeks if it was cold for a week and then hot for a week.

I’m not really what you would call a fashionista, I’m not wearing all the latest trends or anything. But I am fussy about what we wear. Obviously I only packed the good looking but durable clothing for all of us. And in Knox’s case I was SO glad we had his Keedo gear. I love that their Winter range was all about being outside and going on adventures. We’re ALL about that right now.
When I went into the store to make the choices I had a squizz at the girls clothes too and in both cases I really adore the words that they have chosen to put on their items. It’s not about emojis or other random pointless things. It’s things that have meaning. Having courage to explore, or being young, wild and free – things that are true to childhood. Plus the girls sayings were not about what they looked like or superficial nonsense that can be forced down our throats, but things that build them up. I LOVE that.

Keedo are also all about secret messages, did you know that? In everything they produce there is a hidden message inside the clothing. Everyone loves a good secret message am I right?!
The other thing that works for me as a Mom is that they wash well. They don’t come out looking ratty and over used after a couple washes. And the logos and words and things stay on well too. We’ve had many experiences where this has not been the case with other brands and after one or two wears it looks like it’s 20 years old.
Thanks again Keedo for kitting Knox out in your clothing that you so lovingly make. We love it.