I think I just need to get this post out of my system.
Like when you have a shoelace that somehow got stuck under a toe in your Converse. It’s not really thaaaat uncomfortable, you can still walk without hobbling, but you know that eventually, if you hike all day in them then you’re going to end up with a blister. Yes, what you read into that is that I hike in Converse. It’s one of the things that irritates Seth the most, but it’s Converse or flippy floppies, so…
Anyway. It’s not like I am not enjoying this new change of lifestyle, but there are definitely a few things that I miss about living in our home. Quite a few things actually. Weirdly though, I think you’ll find that there are a few glaringly obvious ones that didn’t make the list.
Man oh freaking man. I actually can’t explain in words how much I miss being able to flop down on my couch with a blanket, Nik Naks and just flick on the Netflix. Watch it loudly on our big screen TV and then um… Well… I know what Netflix and chill means guys. I have to update you on the later part of that, but that’s not as difficult as we expected. It’s the combo that I’m missing. Maybe the first part more than the second haha.
Our data is precious so we don’t go crazy and watch every night. In fact many nights we sit up working to catch up what we may have missed in the daylight hours. On other nights we pass out the same time as the kids because we’re just so tired of a full day of driving or exploring. So where we would usually have finished whole serieses (that’s a word) in the last month, we have watched maybe 4 episodes of Shooter (which we are surprisingly enjoying despite how we roll our eyes at how cool he thinks he is).
Data is crazy expensive in South Africa yo. It’s actually disgusting. And being on the move to the most random of little towns means that we have to flit between MTN/Afrihost (Seth’s phone), our WiFi router with Vodacom and my phone with Cell C. But my freaking gosh. We hit Sir Lowry’s pass and I was on Roaming with them – I hate them. I think that we have found a solution finally but what a mission. I hate being disconnected.

It’s weird. But when they were with us, I didn’t give them nearly enough attention. Now that they aren’t with us, every time I think of them I get a bit emotional! I just want to take Spartans squishy face and smoosh it while not letting him go. Just thinking about his old face makes me tear up!
I actually cannot stress this enough. I am not a public pooper. Not in the sense of pooping on a pavement, because that’s just bloody weird man, but I mean in public toilets. I will never. Unless I’m at risk of making a brown stain on the chair I’m sitting in, you will not find me in a public loo. Even for a wee. But now that’s all I’ve got and it’s freaked me out completely. However despite still missing the luxury of a clean toilet that only my family have sat on, I think I am getting over it. But I still don’t like it.
So once you actually get over the need to use the loo instead of creating endless washing for yourself by wetting your pants, you realise that the loo’s and showers are not close. Nope. Nuh uh. You have to walk. Usually in the cold or the dark to get there. Not so bad in the middle of the day but the middle of the night is just not cool. No matter how safe you know the site is, it’s still freaking terrifying. And yes, we have a bucket. I refuse to use it. If you’ve seen it, you wouldn’t blame me (it’s literally a 20litre paint bucket with a toilet seat on it…)
Our bed is our wardrobe (the storage underneath) as well as our dining room/work table. Which means that during the day, it’s not a bed. We have to convert it into a bed to be able to sleep every night. Not my favourite part of the day, especially considering that it’s not exactly easy. You can check Seth converting it in our vlog below…
Time passes like crazy in the van. Which is weird. I thought it would go so slowly but it really doesn’t. We wake up and before we realise it 2 hours have passed. A lot of effort is required to try and make sure that everything is squeezed into every day. But we’re still not sure how much we need to stress about it and how much we should just let it go. Because that’s really the aim of this isn’t it, not to stress.
So I am missing having a set time for work, for school, to eat, to shop, whatever. It was nice to have a life that wasn’t totally predictable but at least sort of guided in a way. Although I’m sure that Seth will tell you that this is his favourite part of the trip – the unexpected
Weirdly you’ll find that my own space or more stuff doesn’t make it onto that list. I’m really not missing the fact that I don’t have anywhere else to go hide from my children – which I never thought I’d say. Obvs at times the van feels so exceptionally small (because I’m not denying that it does), but I just don’t miss the bigger space. Living in a smaller space means that generally we work out the issues before they become issues and we have become a lot more loving and accepting of each other which is great.
I also don’t miss the clutter and things that used to make up a huge part of our lives. It’s refreshing only having a few options of clothing or food items or whatever. Although washing is a pain to be honest.
Who knows how this will change in the next eleven months but right now, even though I miss these things, I think we are going to keep on keeping on and keep enjoying it.
I’m loving following your journey friend. It is so raw and real. I find myself actively seeking out your IG updates daily. Mad props to you.
Ah man, thanks so much!! That really means a lot coming from you with your crazy skills at killing it in this industry.
Wow interesting post. Data must fall, really. When we travel to Cape Town, not many of our family members have wifi. In Joburg everyone has wifi.
It is really crazy! We need to do something to bring the fees down, it can’t go on like this.
Haha when I camp I just pee on the grass outside the tent ?? no ways I am running to a scary ablution at night ?. Love your updates about your journey!
I need to get to this level! I’m sure it will only take me a couple more weeks and then I’ll be there!
Looks like you are having a fab time! Enjoy it.
We really are, for the most part!
To think that 6 weeks ago this was all just theory and nerves, but now it’s reality and it’s turning into a really good adventure.
Yeah tell me about it! It’s pretty weird having it all actually work out (for the most part) in real life!!
[…] there are things that I miss. A whole list of them in fact. And the hard days can be so mind blowingly difficult that I think I have cried more in the last […]