This is us! Kyla (left), Seth (top left), Riya-Ray (middle), Knox (lower right) and Cindy (right). Coco and Spartan also make up our happy home. We’re glad that you have stopped by.
Although we look heck of a put together in that picture, that’s not really a true reflection of our every day. We’re just as shouty and messy as any other family, except that we write about it for everyone to see. What can I say, I’m weird like that.
My blog has been around for a very long time. Maybe some might even say too long. But it’s my almost daily therapy – a place for me to share life and store up our little memories. It’s been an ever evolving and growing space which hasn’t ended now that our children can wipe their own butts and make themselves breakfast. After seeing us through the last 10 years of parenthood it’s also documented our journey as we traveled around South Africa in a campervan. Crazy yes? But we learned so much more than we could ever have anticipated.
If you want the low down on the family, here’s a summarized version of the last 16 years:
Seth and I were “high school sweethearts” – for lack of a better term. We started dating when I was 16 (Seth was 18) (How Mom Met Dad). At the tender young age of 19 we got engaged and if you can believe it, we got married when I was just 20 – my parents even had to sign me over because it was before they changed the legal age to 18!).
By 21 I was so very broody that after we tried goldfish that died and hamsters that turned out to be cannibals, we adopted our Labs, but oh no, that didn’t cure this crazy broody woman. And so by 22 we had our first precious little girl, Kyla and by 23 (exactly 1 year and 2 weeks later) we welcomed our 2nd little girl, Riya-Ray, into the world. But we didn’t stop there because having 3 babies in 3 years seemed like a really good idea, so on the day that I turned 26 we welcomed Knox, our long awaited boy, into the mix. Then to top it off we moved into our forever home at 27.
Life is full to bursting and we try and enjoy every crazy second of it. When I’m not working as an Insurance Broker (who chooses to do that anyway) or actively parenting our brood, I blog about surviving parenting (even if some days it doesn’t feel like it), home renovation and our explorations of all the amazing things that happen in and around Cape Town and surrounds.
And on the rare occasion that I’m not busy with any of those things, you’ll probably find watching series with Seth while simultaneously fueling my Pinterest obsession or stalking, uh, I mean flicking through my other social media outlets: Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.