Our Shaun The Sheep Party – More Pictures
4 October 2014I don’t normally post on the weekend, because like, it’s the weekend. But I’m breaking bad just once to share more of the pictures of Knoxs Shaun the Sheep party…
Her Maiden Voyage
18 June 2014Sometimes doing things for the first time can be really scary. But flying a kite is not even close to that at all. If you get it right, it can…
We Took Our Monkeys To See Some Monkeys
17 April 2014Every time we head out on the N2 to escape the city, we pass Monkeyland. Before kids I barely even noticed it as we whizzed on by, but as they…
That Time We Left And Didn’t Come Back (Plus Momi Baby Bag Winner)
24 February 2014It’s not often that we are totally spontaneous. We don’t get a chance to be. What with 3 children that need so many different things it makes it almost impossible…
That Time I Lost My Child
12 November 2013So, maybe you can help me find my daughter. I know she’s there somewhere. Can you see her? What about now? Aaaah, there she is. I suppose I should tell…
We Saw Tinkerbell At The Park!
15 May 2013Fairies are one of the many new “hits” in our household, and though so many people freak out that their girls are obsessed about one day growing up to be…
Today Is The Day!
19 April 2013So today is not much better in terms of sleep or sick children. But it’s Michael McIntyre day and that just makes everything better! We are going to sit so…
From Twins To Triplets
23 February 2013Going out in public always entails the same thing for us no matter where we go. Sometimes it’s just a whisper, other times an assumed statement made to their friends,…
Forever Friends
18 January 2013There are some people that you meet in your life that weave into it and then out, never to be heard from again. But then there are those that you…
Riding To The Park
11 September 2012I mentioned on Facebook the other day that I just can’t believe that we are at that phase where the girls can ride their own bikes to the park and…
The Play Shed and Play Date Fun
12 March 2012This past Friday the girls and I had the privilege of meeting up with Ella, Sarah and Annabelle and their Mommies for an awesome play date at the Play Shed.…
Green Point Park – Part One
2 March 2012On Saturday we got an impromptu message from our dear friends, the Patons. They were keen for a play date and so were we! We decided to meet at Green Point Park…
The Barnyard…. Oooh Look… Birdies!
23 November 2010Quite a while back we decided to take an “off” moment to go to The Barnyard in Tokai. We had previously seen this place on The Patons photos and had…