How often do you go to the fridge, check what’s in there and start thinking of all these yummy things that you can make with the basics. Until you look…
In preparation for our Stellenbosch trip a couple of weekends ago, I did a little bit of research of where to go. My first point of call? Facebook, Twitter and…
Sometimes I miss bread. There I said it. Although this bread may not be recommended with a good butternut soup, it is definitely the perfect mid morning snack with a cup…
What Paleo/Gluten and Dairy Free Looks Like In Our House
21 April 2014I am definitely no expert on the subject and we are still in the process of making the hard changes to ensuring that we adapt to the new lifestyle that…
Vegan Butternut Soup With Coconut Cream
3 April 2014I know that I’m not a food blogger, but having changed our eating so drastically has made me search far and wide for yummy recipes that we can enjoy as…
You Got Them To Eat What?
27 March 2014So we’ve been working on our lifestyle change for close on 3 months now. It’s been challenging, but I think that we have finally gotten into the groove of it all…
The hardest part about the new lifestyle the we are adapting to, is that I was not ready to give up chocolate. I don’t know if anyone is every really…
Chocolate Ice Cream – That’s Dairy AND (Added) Sugar Free
4 February 2014OK, I’ll wait till you pick your jaw up off the floor before I continue. You ready? Great! I briefly spoke about the fact that I have recently cut out…
It Smells Like Home – And Awesomeness
12 March 2013There are certain smells that just remind me of things. Like the smell of freshly mown grass totally just smells like Summer, add in some sunscreen and petrol and suddenly…
It Just Keeps Getting Better!
12 December 2011So Seth is now cooking like a demon! It’s fantastic and fabulous. I’m sure this might shock you? No? Well, anyone that knows us would probably have heard the stories…
Pizza Wraps…
24 February 2011So Kirsty posted this awesome idea on FB, and ever since she posted it I couldn’t get it out my mind. I love pizza, so anything to make it healthier…