But What Did You Do With All Your Stuff?
23 July 2018So you embark on a massive adventure where you plan to travel the whole of South Africa and a few other countries along the way… But in a campervan. Cool,…
Alfreenos Hit The Road
20 July 2018Oh hi there!! It’s been a while hey? So long that I basically forgot my passwords to even log into this site to update you on what’s happening. My fingers…
SKIN UPDATE – A New, More Restricted Diet
14 June 2018So you guys already know that I have been keeping clear of dairy, gluten and sugar for like, two whole years already right? I know, I can’t believe it’s been…
Friday Nights Are Getting Better And Better
8 June 2018You guys remember a couple of weeks ago when I told you I was taking Friday nights back? I was NOT joking. Like I would ever give up an opportunity…
Our Campervan Farewell/Birthday Party
28 May 2018Over the weekend we had the most epic party I think we have ever had. Which is pretty crazy because we usually have pretty intense parties. But we had to…
Taking Friday Nights Back #MakeItYours
25 May 2018Do you have a sacred day of the week where you just chill as a family? For us that’s a Friday. I don’t know when it started exactly but slowly…
A MEMORABLE Party On A Budget – #MoneySmartMoms
23 May 2018If there’s one thing I’m crazy about, it’s throwing parties. But y’all know that already right? I mean, who doesn’t love parties? Probably a few of you. I know I’m…
Do you know what I was doing this time last year? Walking through the streets of Rome with our backpacks weighing us down but our hearts as light as feathers. We…
Marriage: Staying In Touch
17 May 2018Is it weird that I talk about our marriage so much? Maybe it is. Look, I know some things should just stay off the web. Possibly things like worrying about…
SKIN UPDATE: How Do I Hide My Red Face?
14 May 2018Looking like Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer on the daily is not easy. In fact it sucks butt. But it is what it is and I’m slowly making peace with…
SKIN UPDATE – Perspective
10 May 2018You know what I realised recently? It’s that even though we were excited about something in the beginning, the longer we have it/do it, the more normal it becomes. Which…
I Got The Snip
8 May 2018Woah, OK, hang on. I realise that there are various versions of the snip. I should have thought that through. Too be clear, all my bits are still intact and…
ALFREENOS – First Leg Itinerary
3 May 2018You’re probably here to check in on how well we’re doing with this whole planning thing hey? I mean we’ve just had a really long weekend so obviously we managed…
5 Things That Help Me Get My Happy Back
26 April 2018I don’t know about you guys but sometimes I lose my happy. It’s not like I suffer from depression as a constant or even at all, I think. I don’t…
Currently – Campervan Edition
17 April 2018It’s been a while since we last caught up on how much progress we’re making on heading out on our adventure in a couple months. I wish I could reveal…
Sunday Is Our Family Funday
12 April 2018Every time I look at this photo I kill myself laughing. It’s just so Kyla. Not a damn chance you’re going to get a smile when she’s not feeling it. …
Best Travel Inspired Mommy Blog – That’s Us!
10 April 2018On Friday night, as I was gathered around the table with some of my favourite people enjoying a delicious supper, there were big things happening on Twitter. The winners of…
The Franschhoek Wine Tram – A MUST
6 April 2018Yesterday I told you all about our time in Franschhoek, but I left out a big gaping hole in the middle of our stay – when we were out on…
Sexy Time In The Campervan – Explain
4 April 2018We’ve been posting a lot about how things are going to work in the campervan. I mean really, when you start to think about the actual every day workings of…
This Purge Is Great For My Mind AND My Wallet
29 March 2018I’m not sure what I love the most about this picture. That Seth still looks like a scary caveman even with a twinkly skirt on his head, the girls trying…
19 March 2018Every single time that I look at the Calendar I get a fright. How is it possible that we are already more than half way through March? We are seriously…
4 Refreshing Drinks To Make At Home (AND WIN)
16 March 2018We’ve been having such great weather in Cape Town for the last couple of days. Usually that would imply that it was sunny right? But nope, I’m talking about cold,…
Why I’m Scared Of Living In A Campervan For A Year
8 March 2018Maybe scared isn’t the right word. Maybe it’s worried. Or anxious. Or maybe it’s even too-used-to-her-creature-comforts-to-go-without, but that’s a flipping long word. Either way the thought of year in the…
Currently – A Campervan Edition
7 March 2018OK, so I know what you are wondering right now as you look at this picture up here. Why in the hell is there a picture of me looking like…