Birthday Brunching At Babylonstoren
10 May 2017It was my Mom’s birthday on the last public holiday that we had and so I wanted to treat her to a lovely breakfast out at one of my favourite wine…
Seth’s Surprise Party
6 February 2017I decided to throw Seth a surprise party. Which is cool right? Except for a few little problems: Seth is actually not that big on social gatherings so he’d either…
Not Getting Any Younger
28 September 2015Over the weekend I started living up to the term “old and grey”. I guess you could say that I started this a while ago actually, since I’ve been sporting the…
I'd Choose To Do Life With You Again and Again
5 February 2015Today you turn 30. I know it seems like a big one because people usually make a big deal about it, I guess it’s supposed to be this marker in…
Party Packs – An *Almost* Definitive Guide
3 February 2015If I claimed this to a definitive guide to party packs I’d basically be saying that I’m Martha Stewart. And we all know that’s about as true as saying Saturday…
To Knox On Your 2nd Birthday
3 October 2014My Knox Yes, MY Knox. (You’ll have to fight me to call him your Knox – sorry future girlfriend, it’s just how it is around here.) There are so many…
Birthday Wish List
21 August 2014I mentioned before that I am all about subtlety – which is why I am subtly leaving this wishlist out on the internet for the World to see. As one…
Riya- Ray – Today You Are 4!
28 July 2014My baby girl, you are not a baby any more! Today we celebrate you turning 4 and despite initially being a bit bummed that you were getting older (when you…
My Kyla Bella, You Turned 5!
15 July 2014Oh my Kyla Bells I don’t know why I struggle to write these posts to you. I guess it’s my own silly way of trying to stop you from growing…
Happy 29th Birthday Seth!
5 February 2014To My Favourite Husband It’s really hard to sit here and find the right words to say to you on your special day. There is so much that I…
Knox’s 1 Painting – 1st Birthday Tradition
3 November 2013A little tradition that we have in the Alfino household is that when you turn 1, you get some finger paint, a canvas and all the patience and support that…
Getting Back To Basics – Knox’s Very Toned Down Party
30 October 2013One year old parties are often criticized as being for the parents and not for the kids. And I suppose that could be kind of true to some people, but…
This One’s For Everyone! WIN With Antique Fusion!
23 September 2013I’ll be celebrating my 27th birthday on Wednesday! Yippee!! It’s so exciting that this year I get to share the day with my gorgeous Knox instead of being in labour…
We Went To Alice’s “One-derland” Party
9 September 2013Goodness, this weekend totally owned me. For reals. I am more exhausted now than I was before it started. We have been very busy making sure that our kids get…
A Mermaid Party With Only One Mermaid
7 August 2013So we had a mermaid party. Although as it turns out there was only one beautiful mermaid and it wasn’t even one of our girls, even though she could be…
To My Riya-Ray-Ri On Your 3rd Birthday
30 July 2013My baby girl, you’re 3 today! Well actually you have been 3 for 3 days now, but I haven’t really had a chance to sit down and write to you…
To My Kyla Bella On Your 4th Birthday
14 July 2013Oh my word Kyla Bells! You are 4 today! It’s finally happened after month of counting down the days, it’s finally here and you are finally 4!! Last night before…
A Birthday, A Concert And Grown Man Acting Like A Belieber
10 February 2013It was Seth’s birthday this past Tuesday. If you’re a Capetonian you will know that this was also the day of the RHCP concert. What you might not know is…
Kyla’s Painting – Time For A Touch Up
14 November 2012So, when Kyla was 2 I sent Seth out to buy her a canvas and 2 different colour paints. He came back with a MASSIVE canvas which Kyla adored painting.…
2 Year Old Paintings – Riya’s Abstract Art
13 November 2012When Kyla turned 1 I thought it would be awesome for each of our kids to do their own painting with the same mediums (a canvas and finger paint). Because…
Apparently It’s My Birthday Soon
19 September 2012So the 25th of this month is my birthday. Just 5 days before Thumper is due to arrive and grace us with his presence. However, we have now decided to…
They Love To Run
17 August 2012The girls absolutely LOVE to run! I’m not kidding. They will run from the kitchen to the lounge or from their bedroom to ours in the middle of the night…
Jumping Castle Fun
11 August 2012Besides a pink cake, the only other thing the girls wanted for their party was a jumping castle. Kyla LOVES to jump and is constantly making our bed into her…