To Knox On Your 2nd Birthday
3 October 2014My Knox Yes, MY Knox. (You’ll have to fight me to call him your Knox – sorry future girlfriend, it’s just how it is around here.) There are so many…
7 Places I Never Thought I'd Change A Nappy
9 September 2014There was a time (just a few years ago) where I could direct you to the closest baby changing facility in any shopping mall in Cape Town. I could also…
They Should Call Baby Showers "Broody Showers"!
5 August 2014In case you were wondering, it’s totally possible to still be heavily broody even when you already have THREE kids. Despite the fact that you carried them in your body…
He’s FINALLY Walking!
21 January 2014We officially have no more babies in our house. I’m simultaneously ecstatic and miserable about this. Weird hey? I guess it’s because I know that he is the last baby…
Please Stop Time
22 November 2013This face… I can’t even put into words how that little face, with that gorgeous smile and only one half a tooth, just totally makes my heart swell with love.…
We’re About To Be Ostracized From Playdates
20 November 2013When we came up with the name Knox it was pretty much because we have a thing for short names (Cindy, Seth, Kyla, Riya…), we liked how it sounded and…
Getting Back To Basics – Knox’s Very Toned Down Party
30 October 2013One year old parties are often criticized as being for the parents and not for the kids. And I suppose that could be kind of true to some people, but…
WIN With Oh So Cute – I Wish I Had One (Or ALL) Of These!
11 September 2013Who has two thumbs and something to give away? *points thumbs at herself* This girl does. Man I love that joke. I’ve been saying it all morning while I was…
Someone’s Been Missing
21 August 2013Taking a look back at the last couple of posts and I realised that a very special person seems to be missing in all of them. I’m not sure how…
The Monday After The Long Weekend
12 August 2013Long weekends are amazing aren’t they! We packed so much in to this weekend (literally packed and parties and teas and meeting up with visiting family) that we were so…
He’s Stolen My Heart
13 June 2013This kid… This one right here…. With his coy shyness… His gorgeous giggle… And his sweet dimple smile… He steals my heart. Every single day! He’s Stolen…
We’re Almost Half Way To Christmas
11 June 2013I guess that’s a weird thing to acknowledge. But there is a reason for the random statement – besides the sick realisation that the year is almost on the downward…
That’s The Last Time I Use The Tablet
6 June 2013There I was feeling all sorry for myself and things, writing emo posts and saving them to maybe post later. And there it went… Right out into the interwebs for all to…
We Don’t Have To Live The Pinterest Life
5 June 2013My memory sucks. That’s nothing new. I do remember now that the power finally went back on and that we are finally back to being able to stare at each other…
Was That A Weekend We Just Had? (LWW)
20 May 2013Hi ho there everyone! Have a good weekend? We had a weekend. I think. It was mostly spent cuddling a very sick little man, making copious amounts of bottles, changing…
Knox – The Love, The Wish And The Wardrobe
30 April 2013Happy Tuesday that feels like Friday! I hope things are going well in your neck of the woods? For us things are a bit hectic for the next 2 weeks,…
It’s Monday Again?
22 April 2013Hello everybody! I’ve been meaning to blog sooner than this. But instead of getting irritated that I don’t have my “me” time because I have to put my sick and…
Knox Does Tricks
17 April 2013When you have a kid it’s really important to make sure that you train them like you would do a circus animal. So that when you are out and about,…
It Could Have Been You
14 March 2013Lately I have been taking time in my day to sit down and reflect on life. In particular to reflect on each one of my children’s lives that I have…
Knox Eats… And Spits…
8 March 2013Is there a way to keep babies tiny and little and baby-like forever? If you know of something let me know. The best I’ve come up with is a brick…
Sibling Love And Turned Up Collars
24 February 2013I never had a sister, but I had a younger brother. We had good times and we had bad times (I remember a particular episode in the parking lot of…
A 4 Month Old Knox
19 February 2013Our gorgeous little man is almost 5 months old! Unfortunately, although I am trying to fight it very hard, we seem to be falling into the whole 3rd child thing…
Knoxy Noo Noo
8 February 2013Never did I think that having a boy would be so different to having a girl, except of course changing the nappies (that was a shocker the first couple of…