Currently – Campervan Edition
30 May 2018Although it’s basically freezing in Cape Town right now, things are heating up for us Alfinos. We have a mere 32 days left before we have to have everything ready. …
ALFREENOS – First Leg Itinerary
3 May 2018You’re probably here to check in on how well we’re doing with this whole planning thing hey? I mean we’ve just had a really long weekend so obviously we managed…
Sexy Time In The Campervan – Explain
4 April 2018We’ve been posting a lot about how things are going to work in the campervan. I mean really, when you start to think about the actual every day workings of…
School In The Campervan – Explain
20 March 2018Do you know what one of the first things I decided about my parenting journey? That I wasn’t going to be a stay at home mom that home-schools her children. …
5 Things I Learned Living In The Campervan (For A Week)
12 February 2018In case you are wondering… The answer is yes. Yes, we are in fact those weirdos that live out of their campervan while it’s parked in their front garden. I…
Packing Our Bags And Hitting The Road In Our Campervan
30 January 2018A little while back we journeyed all the way from Cape Town up to Kimberley. Why would we travel such a great distance? Well, it was because we set our…
The Kids Meet Optimus For The First Time
14 November 2017It’s one thing to try and explain to yourself why you are driving half way across South Africa to go and get a campervan – it’s a totally different thing…
Our First Road Trip In Optimus – Kimberley to Cape Town
6 November 2017I realise that driving up from Cape Town to Kimberley to buy a 40 year old campervan may sound a little nuts. But that’s exactly what we did a couple…