mammas and munchkins
Mamma’s And Munchkins End Of Year Brekkie
23 December 2012This year I have had the privilege of getting together with some really wonderful women to create a place where new Mom’s can meet together and get to know one…
What You Doing On Saturday 1 Sep? I’ll Be Treating Myself
23 August 2012I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling rather drained and tired. Despite the pregnancy, I think that at this time of the year it happens to every one and…
Edible Finger Paint and Other Stories…
6 March 2012My friend Zoe and I had the privilege of hosting the latest Mamma’s and Munchkins! Besides being a lot of work in an already busy and morning sickly time, it…
Activity Ideas for the Kids! Thanks Mamma’s and Munchkins!
9 February 2012We all want our toddlers to start learning, growing and understanding things in life. I once tried to “officially” teach the kids and it turned into a disaster. I realise…