10 Tips To Making The Change To Eat Healthily
9 April 2014At the beginning of the year we decided to go “paleo” – cutting out all grains, dairy, sugar and other processed goods. I have briefly chatted about the changes…
Vegan Butternut Soup With Coconut Cream
3 April 2014I know that I’m not a food blogger, but having changed our eating so drastically has made me search far and wide for yummy recipes that we can enjoy as…
The hardest part about the new lifestyle the we are adapting to, is that I was not ready to give up chocolate. I don’t know if anyone is every really…
Chocolate Ice Cream – That’s Dairy AND (Added) Sugar Free
4 February 2014OK, I’ll wait till you pick your jaw up off the floor before I continue. You ready? Great! I briefly spoke about the fact that I have recently cut out…